
Re. DVB98-Dr.Overflow s/w

Did you test recently updated software on the Nokia-based software of
your Dr.Overflow? I still have some problems to download it into my
Nokia (ex-d box).
Henry, Wellington/NZL

Just testing the version 06 of the DVB-soft project (date: Febr. 26) and
found out some major-changes. Graphics are now easy to read and if come
to the end of your channellist and push "up", you can start with ch. 1
again. Dr.Overflow published a list of history and another one of
problems still to have to be solved. So, he needs a lot of help from
outside. If you can provide some valuable information please contact
him: DVB98@swol.de. My Nokia is running now very fast with DVB98. Even
compared to other digital receiver signal-processing is done about a
10th of second faster. This means I got a information advantage :-))
To download the software your pc should run at least on 75 MHz. Higher
would be much better! "Transbox" is the ideal tool for the download.
Have a look on the attached lists of solutions and problems.

Christian Mass (Dr.Dish)
Senior-Editor of TELE-satellite International
Producer of drdish@tv

It's a great night and I did the user-definable colour menu
channel-name colour changed to default blue
Info-Menu included. There are a lot of more infos to come, here.

bugfix: if selecting Channel by SI-Parsing. Channel-Info is updated.
Cold Re-Boot now at "OPT"->"9"
Channel-Info drawing immediately after pressing up/down/ok (not at button release)
Menu drawing and menu off immediately after pressing the button

Some hidden stuff improved:) puhhhhh

Channel up starts with 1 at the end
Channel down jumps to end when at 1
Bugfix for channel -> reset all (stored channel becomes 1)

21.2.1998 (release V 00.0004)
Supporting 12V Port. Switching off Skart Pin 8 in standby.
LNB Supply +0.5V. Enable remote a little later.
fixing a bug (concerning SAT/VCR recognition when in standby)
sorry - still only a few time for coding. Thanks for all your
information and stuff! Going to work through tons of papers now!

17.2.1998 (release V 00.0003)
There is still no time for coding due to excessive E-Mail traffic!
Fixing NTSC to 3.58 MHz NTSC (thanks to Tony Nohra and Martin Wienecke)
I am not able to test this out here.
going to continue documentation in english language.
Neuer Font (using new characters, some people liked to kill me for the old font)

Nach Reset der Channel-Info wird auf default Programm 1 geschaltet.
Bei Schalten in "Standby" werden die Settings gespeichert.
Der gerade aktive Kanal wird ebenfalls gesichert.

Einlesen der Senderkennungen überarbeitet
Auf Astra 12721H wird keine SDT mehr gesendet -> Probleme beim Suchlauf
Die betroffenen Kanäle werden korrekt erkannt, die Kennung fehlt aber.

Neu: Lautstärkeregelung! Wie gewohnt mit den Tasten +/-
durch anschliesendes Drücken von 1 oder 2 und dann wieder + oder -
kann der Linke bzw. Rechte Kanal getrennt eingestellt werden.
Auch die eingestellte Lautstärke wird nach Druck auf "Standby" gesichert.

Still not working at NTSC!!!! There are some problems. Need
some time to work around this...

There occured one very strange bug with BD bootloader 2.00.
The program worked but after re-powering the system it
fucked up with "Error 75" - an Checksum Error...
There are still only 2 blocks of memory used for this proggy
and nothing in this is changed by the programm. So why does
the checksum change?! (First power up after loading is ok).
May be its due to a download server calculating the checksum
for all the memory. This must not be done here since I use
the memory at $e0000 for to store the channel setup. There must
not be calculated a checksum for this area!

Do not use the Auto SAT-Search - it's still just a test-function.
I do not have any information how to handle all those tables
transmitted from satellite. For example I've found the value that
indicates a FEC of 5/6 on Astra - the same value represents a FEC
of 2/3 on Hotbird! What to do?!
Some days ago the transmission of the SDT on Astra 12722 stopped!
I found it on another transponder! But I need more information
about this to reasign the channel description to the channel....
If I had the DVB-Papers I would use this and it would be not my
fault if something goes wrong.

I decided to concentrate on downloading the channel setup from the
internet! There is software to come running on the computer which
automatically initiates the settings update on the box.

Ich bin ein bettelarmer Computerfreak und konnte die Software bislang
nur auf einem aelteren Geraet testen! Ich kann also nicht wissen wie
sie auf Geraete mit z.B. neue Flash-Chips arbeitet.

Das Problem ist, dass ich um erst einmal 1024 Kanaele abspeichern zu
koennen, die Kanaltabelle in den oberen Bereich des Speichers legen
musste. Der Schreibzugriff auf diesen Bereich muss aber je nach
Version des Geraetes und der Chips unterschiedlich erfolgen!!!

Wenn das Geraet beim Ersten Starten der Software mit der Meldung:
"invalid Channels" haengen bleibt, dann schicken Sie mir bitte den
dazu ausgegebenen "ID-Code" per E-Mail... Damit kann ich das Programm
um die entsprechenden Chips erweitern!

Erst heute musste ich erfahren, dass wohl die automatische Erkennung
eines angeschlossenen Analog-Receivers bzw. Videorecorders nicht mit
allen Geraeten funktioniert! Die Ursache ist im Moment noch unklar,
bei mir funktioniert das gut.

MAIL: DVB98@swol.de

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