
Re: Sattelite receiver SEEMANN TS 3000

 I have received from a friend a sattelite receiver with positioner SEEMANN TS 3000, distributed from the Telekommunikationstechnik Seemann GmbH, Eglishalde 14, 7218 Trossingen. On receiver write that is produced by Techniland, Made in Phillipines. The model is Sattelite demodulator Model BS-3The instructions was in German and incomplete. Please if You know something about the programing of the postioner or where I can find the instruction about it please send me it.    Thank you, you are my last chance to make it to work.                   Greetings from                                    ARRIGO 
The only information on this receive I have is a schematic diagram. This receiver came on the market besides Seemann as DNT EURO 3 and RADIX 7000.
Maybe one of the readers of this service could give you some more information on this receiver.
Good luck!
Christian Mass (Dr.Dish)
Senior-Editor of TELE-satellite International
Producer of drdish@tv

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