Whatever happened to-:
The Ceduna earth station.......It was dismantled about 18 months ago. One of the
dishes that remained is now in use by I believe a consortium of universities,
including Flinders Uni I think. The microwave links feeding the earth
station have definitely been dismantled and the dishes recovered from the
Kongwirra microwave site outside of Ceduna, and the tower at the OTC site
has been dismantled. I beleive the uni's are using the dish for radio
astronomy. Thanks to Grant for that info.
If you missed my previous posting I asked the question.
What happened to the Ceduna Earth station?
This was a large satellite earth station like I assume Goonhilly Downs? in
Britain was until technology advanced and Rupert Murdock!! invented B Sky B
(That's Igglish pay TV!)to the uninitiated and lesser informed.
If you don't know about the Iggles you aren't as old as I am.
Who remembers popsiggles,biciggles and radiggles? (You get the idea)
I think they are as old as the Beatles.(Thats a PoP group from the 60s.)
The equinox has come and gone and it is satellite outage time for us now. I
have been watching for the sun to cross the centre of my dish. A bit like
ground hog day in the states I suppose.
Some have experienced it and others are still waiting.Sure as christmas
comes so do the outages. For those new to the satellite world it will be a
novelty. To others Ho! Hum!
We have stopped saving daylight here in Adelaide along with other selected
states in Australia. I notice that the Europeans are starting to squirrel
it away now and there will be confusion amongst the viewers as to what time
a particular show starts in some other part of the world.
There really has not been a great deal of excitement over the last weeks so
I crawled under a rock and did some other pressing work that is needed
elsewhere. I must thank Christian Lyngemark at Satco DX for keeping us up
to date and all the contributors as well.
Here is a summary of the last couple of weeks of happenings.
Some of this info is 3 weeks old but is included for completeness.
--- Intelsat 511: http://www.satcodx.com/i511.shtml
This satellite is slowly moving west, from 180 East to 29.5 West,
currently at 38.5 East. For more info, see SATCO DX 980313.
--- Intelsat 701 at 180E: http://www.satcodx.com/i701.shtml
Baccarat Game Channel has moved from 3,716 R (NTSC, NW zone)
to 4,028 R (MPEG-2/enc., West Hemi).
Space TV has started on 3,922 L, MPEG-2/clear, SR 21200, FEC 7/8:
62/63: Thai TV 5 Global Network
66/67: SBN
Canal+/RFO is testing during night time on 4,055 R, MPEG-2/clear,
SR 27495, FEC 3/4, line-up:
221/231: Canal + 1
222/232: Canal + 2
225/235: RFO 1
226/236: RFO 2
I do not know about these as I can not receive them.
--- PAS 2: http://www.satcodx.com/pas2.shtml
Japan Telecom occasional feeds on 4,174 H.
ITJ and Japan Telecom have merged.
Occasional NHK feeds on 4,054 V.
The feeds on 4,045 V and Baccarat Game Channel on 4,058 V
have ceased. NHK has started regular transmissions on 4,057 V, identical
to 4,034 H. Do not delete these frequencies as there are still the
occasional feeds whilst things are being re arranged.
NHK World will start on 4,034 H in MPEG-2/PowerVu on 1 April,
SR 26470, FEC 3/4.
TV Chile International will leave 3,901 H (MPEG-2) on 15 April.
(source: on-screen message)
The Mediasat tests on 12,287 V have ceased (MPEG-2).
--- Optus B3: http://www.satcodx.com/optusb3.shtml
Business TV on 12,376 H has changed PIDs to 523/651.
TVSN on 12,564 H has teletext service: Austext,
also the Aurora tests on 12,469 V have ceased.
--- Apstar 1: http://www.satcodx.com/apstar1.shtml
Baccarat Game Channel has ceased on 3,840 H (MPEG-2).
This is here as some of us can see this bird along with Apstar 1a.
--- Asiasat G at 122E: http://www.satcodx.com/g30.shtml
NTV (Russia) has started on 3,675 R, SECAM/clear, 7,00 MHz.
It is quite strong here in Adelaide about 4 to 5 all the time.
--- Palapa C2: http://www.satcodx.com/palapac2.shtml
CNBC Asia will leave 3,620 H on 1 April.
I am not sure as I have been led to believe the vertical feed is going.
--- Asiasat 2: http://www.satcodx.com/asia2.shtml
WTN Hong Kong on 3,773 H and WTN Asia on 3,786 H are both
encrypted now most of the time.There are still some clear feeds.
Japan Telecom occasional feeds on 3,765 H and 4,185 V, MPEG-2,
SR 5632, FEC 3/4. I have not seen these 2 feeds.
PIDs for the radio channels on 4,006 V:
1213: 96 Nau FM
1214: 93 Iume FM
Sky News has ceased on 3,900 V (MPEG-2).
Lao TV has left 4,143 H (MPEG-2).
This is incorrect it is still there with some outages.
Lao TV Channel 3 4,143 H, MPEG-2/clear, SR 2889, FEC 2/3.
Mongolian TV and Voice of America TV have left 3,680 H.
The Voice of America TV programs are still included in WorldNet
on 3,880 H, while Mongolian TV is on an Intelsat satellite.
I really can't confirm this yet altough that is what satco dx says.
The last time I saw it was 26th March.
--- Apstar 2R: http://www.satcodx.com/apstar2r.shtml
Plus 21 promo has started on 3,760 H, PAL/clear, 6,60 MHz.
The promo consists of text about the channel. Not like when it was on G30.
Plus 21 on 3,760 H will be "digitally encrypted" from 4 April,
23:00-03:00 Indian time (17:30-21:30 UTC)
--- Thaicom 3: http://www.satcodx.com/thai78.shtml
Reuters feeds seem to have ceased on 3,636 H (MPEG-2).
--- PAS 4: http://www.satcodx.com/pas4.shtml
Sima-yeh Moghavemat seems to have started on 3,930 H, PAL/clear,
Middle East beam. It lasts for an hour a day!
Yes! My favourite station.
There are a lot of changes scheduled for the 1st April and all the
satellite housekeeping and shifting of frequencies helps me keep an
optomistic mind. What is going to happen next? is a common question.
All I can say is watch out for the April Fools day bulletin.
Due out on the 32nd of March.
My advice to some!!!
Maybe you should unsubscribe now!!!!!!
There isnt likely to be much info of any use.
Standard disclaimer here..E.& O.E.
I think I have said this before but it is a gem from my little daughter
who is really a big girl now.
In the satellite world...
Nothing is constant but change
Well thats it for now,
© copyright March 1998 by Bevin BODEN.
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