Re: TV Systems: Pal, Secam, etc.
From: drdish@westend.com (Dr.Dish)
Date: Tue, 12 Mar 96 18:11 MET
From owner-sat-drdish@tags1.dn.net Tue Mar 12 12: 10:36 1996
>Dear Dr. Dish:
>My question concerns the video formats used by the various broadcasters here in
>Europe. Are the signals that are uplinked to the satellites already in the
>video format of that country (Secam from France, Pal from Germany, etc.)? And
>are the signals still in that format when they come out of my satellite
>receiver? If so, do you need a mutisystem TV in order to view properly each
>different signal or is the TV just acting as a monitor for the satellite
>receiver signals? I have a multisystem TV and view all of the different
>with no problem, but would someone with an NTSC receiver, for example, be able
>to use a satellite receiver and view all of the various signals with no
>Also, I'm looking for a quiet motor to replace the one I have. I'm using a 90
>H-H (Deltamount) with an 85cm dish and it's too noisy. My neighbors have
>complained. Have noise comparisons been done? Can you recommend a source? It
>seems to me that much of the noise is actually an amplification of the motor
>vibrations by the metallic dish. I was considering wrapping the poles on which
>the motor and the dish are mounted with rubber cushioning to reduce the noise
>conduction (no metal-to-metal contact). One item I have considered using is my
>computer mouse pad, that rubber pad for rolling the mouse. Also, My landlord
>suggested wrapping the motor unit with old towels or rags and then covering
>with plastic. What do you think? Even if I do implement these sound-reducing
>measures on my current motor, I would still like to see a noise comparison of
>the various available motors.
>Thank you for your help. I hope to hear from you soon.
>Kerry Painter
>Huttingen an der Kyll, Germany
Dr.Dish: The colorsystem in up- and downlink is mostly identical. To receive
all the different color-modes, you have to use a multi-color tv. The
satellite-receiver does not convert any signal from one the other system.
The build in modulator usually is made for the system of a specific country.
To avoid incompatibelity, just connect the tv-set to the sat-receiver with
the SCART- or RCA connectors.
The noise of a motor can be cut down by connecting a power-resistor in line
with one of the two 36V-motor-cables. The motor runs slower, but also much
more silent. Try different values until the motor runs smoothly.
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