Re: 10' dish
From: drdish@westend.com (Dr.Dish)
Date: Fri, 19 Apr 96 00:05 MET DST
From owner-sat-drdish@tags1.dn.net Thu Apr 18 19: 05:39 1996
>I have a chance to come by a 10' dish and rerceiver for free. I was
>going to buy an 18'' dish but this may be better. What can you tell me
>about the big dish? What are the advantages and disadvantages. Can you
>recommend a provider? Any help would be appreciated.
A 10`dish offers a lot more satellite adventures then the small pizza-dish.
If you connect a polarmount and a actuator to the large one and - to empty
your pockets completly - you install a Corotor for C- and Ku-band reception,
you will have a lot more fun. One problem could be stormy weather with a
larger dish and maybe some unhappy neighbors.
Your e-mail adress says nothing about your place of living. So I canīt tell
you anything about the satellites you could receive.
Dr.Dish (Christian Mass)
drdish@tv - the first european satellite info channel
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