
Re: Egis zwei achs antennen rotor questions and problem with an Irte antenna

>Hi, my name's Achille Serrao and I write you from Rome.	
>I have two question but first of all I will describe my reception set-up.
>It consists of:
>a) Pace ms1001-ip integrated decoder receiver and positioner (VC)
>b) Irte 150cm. prime focus antenna and polarmount for 114mm. mast pole
>c) Irte paris bu magnetic polarotor
>d) Echostar 24inches actuator
>e) Chaparral Ku wideband LNB (0.7 n.f., 56db gain typ.)
>f) 1,5mt. high mast pole
>g) Cavel 703-b coax. signal cable (about 40mt.)
>I've big problems regarding horizontal polarization. I have to say that the 
>illuminator, that was supplied with the antenna, has a built-in 
>depolarising plate. Almost all signals coming in with horizontal 
>polarisation are attenuated. Previously I had a 120cm. Channel Master and 
>now with this Irte I have (horizontal polarisation) much less signal coming 
>in! How can I fix that problem? (I feared that the antenna, when was 
>shipped to me by my local professional installator, has gone out of shape, 
>which means I had to replace the dish from scratch. It was shipped to me 
>with a car, the antenna being anchored on the car's roof.)
>The second question regards the Egis "zwei-achis-antennen-rotor". Since I 
>don't speak nor read Deutsche language I'd like to know if it possible to 
>buy this unit from Italy. I'd like to know the cost of the unit(s) and if 
>it is fittable with my Irte dish. Thanks in advance, you are my satellite 

I don`t think the dish has any damage. You should switch to horizontal 
polarization, adjust the Skew-function to a readout between the highest and 
lowest readout and then turn the whole feed for some degrees to the right or 
left until you get a good signal. Check the opposite polarization. If you 
have here a weaker signal, just try again in turning the feed until both 
polarization are at a maximum and equal.

Fitting an EGIS-rotor to a IRTE-dish is no problem. EGIS offers for several 
known brands of dishes mechanical solutions.
The owner of EGIS, Mr.Meixner. speaks english and he will provide you with a 
adress of the importer in Italy, but compare the prices between EGIS and the 
EGIS, Flutstr. 34-36, D-63071 Offenbach, Tel.: +49-69-858327, Fax:+49-69-857863
Dr.Dish (Christian Mass)
drdish@tv - the first european satellite info channel

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