
BT-FEEDS June 6/7. 1996

BT-Feeds for June 6. + 7./1996
All times in GMT

 The information below shows our current use of satellite
 transponders. The information shown is:
    * Source earthstation
    * Destination earthstation
   * Start time (GMT)
    * End time (GMT)
    * Satellite
    * Transponder

 TX Earth RX Earth From  To     Sat  Trans
 Station  Station
                   11:55 12:30       3
 TES SE   Teleport 12:00 13:30  30D  XP 5
 Madley   RDB      12:00 12:45  338  MNET
 AHM      Goonhily 12:30 12:50  63.  XP 38
 ATLA     MHET     12:45 13:15  43   TXP 15
 MHET     US/TVR   12:45 13:15  68.  TXP 11
 TES17    USA TV   13:00 16:40  43   XPDR 8
 Madley   RDB      13:05 13:15  338  MNET
 FORT     Teleport 14:00 16:15  37.  XPNDR
 Teleport TVM      14:00 14:25  45.  XP 22B
 Teleport UK/TVR   14:00 16:15  16D  XP 22
 Madley   ADB      14:15 14:55  342  XP 38
 PENNAN   REDCAR   14:30 15:30  CAN  VYVX
 Goonhily RKH      15:00 15:45  63.  XP 38
 SRA      Madley   15:30 16:40  60.  XP 38
 UKI-17   E/TVRO   16:00 18:00  30D  XP 12
 TES6     E/TVRO   16:00 18:00  30D  TXP TB
 AHM      Goonhily 16:30 17:10  63.  XP 38
                   16:55 17:30       3 
 Madley   RDB      16:55 17:05  338  MNET
 TES SE   Teleport 17:30 18:30  30D  XP 5
 Teleport E/TVRO   18:00 04:00  16D  XP 22
 Madley   RDB      18:00 18:30  338  MNET
 ATLA     MHET     18:30 19:00  43   TXP 15
 MHET     US/TVR   18:30 19:00  68.  TXP 11
 Madley   RDB      18:45 19:15  338  MNET
 Madley   DUI      19:30 19:50  60.  XP 38
 Madley   RDB      19:45 22:00  338  MNET
                   19:55 20:30       3
 Madley   DUI      20:30 21:00  60.  XP 38
 Teleport E/TVRO   20:45 22:30  30D  XP 11
 Teleport PVTS     20:55 22:30  45.  XP 22B
++++++++++++++June 7. +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 Goonhily PEK      05:00 06:00  63.  XP 38
 Teleport E/TVRO   05:55 06:55  16D  XP 22
 HKG      Madley   07:25 07:40  60.  XP 38
 Teleport UK/TVR   07:35 08:20  16D  XP 22
 YAM      Madley   07:40 07:50  60.  XP 38
 (TES=Transportable Earth Station)
 This data is provided for information only.
SOURCE: British Telecom

Dr.Dish (Christian Mass)
drdish@tv - the first european satellite info channel

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