
TRIAD /Satelliten Farm

>Questions:  We have a Triad ST-V-8900 L Stereo Satellite Receiver. 
>It is made in Germany. Our original retailer went out 
>of business and we can not source, where to buy a 
>remote controller for the receiver. 
>Ours dissappeared in a house move.
>Need urgent help where to find the  manufacturer.
>Triad Sattelite Systems was sold through "Satteliten-Farm
>Antennenvertriebsgesellschaft mbh" in Germany.
>Thanks for the help in advance.
L. Borordi, Budapest____________________________________________
Dr. Dish:
Sorry, I have to tell you that the Satelliten Farm also went out of business 
some time ago. Maybe one of our readers owns this receiver or a remote 
control and can help you. I will pass on any information I get, to you.
Christian Mass (Dr.Dish)
Editor of TELE-satellite magazine
Home-page: http://www.TELE-satellit.com
Producer of DR.DISH TV
The first European Satellite Information Channel
Home-page: http://www.sat-net.com/drdish/

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