From: drdish@cuci.nl (Dr.Dish)
Date: Tue, 13 Aug 1996 00:54:16 +0200
From owner-sat-drdish@tags1.dn.net Mon Aug 12 18: 56:08 1996
>Questions: Dear dr.Dish,
>in the last issue of Tele Satellit I read about one of your reply
argumenting italian bird Italsat 13.2 Est.You told someone they were trying
to use this for local tv and newsfeed too,in the ka band.Here in Italy many
people think that Telecom Italia controlled cablemaster Stream wants to use
this satellite as a service for the eight soccer game of our championat
gaving the signal to Telepiù.Is this correct ? What about a device for ka
band ? Who and where is selling that ?
>reply concerning italian telecommunications satellite Ital-
>sat F1,located 13.2 Est.Now Telecom Italia shoot up F-2 and
>people in Italy say there will be the eight serie A soccer
>matchs inside,a sort of sportfeed for Telepiù DSTV who got
>the rights and for Stream,a division of Telecom Italia who
>want to sell the same service using cable.So,not only a tele-
>phonic satellite but a more,more interesting one.What's goin
>on ? Do you know anytning about ? Where could we buy a devi
>ce for ka band and how much it costs ?
>Thanks a lot - forever yours
I heard the same about using Italsat for feeds. LNbs are not available on
then normal market. I know of two german companies able to produce such
devices. So, I will inquire about the ITALSAT LNBs and feeds and will
publish the results on this place.
Dont panic, I am also interested in this pieces. This means my own ego will
push the things.
Christian Mass (Dr.Dish)
Editor of TELE-satellite magazine
Home-page: http://www.TELE-satellit.com
The first European Satellite Information Channel
Home-page: http://www.sat-net.com/drdish/
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