
Re: Finanzielle Hilfe gesucht/looking for finc. help

Dr.Dish Message:
Sorry for the delay in answering all your questions and letters. I will be
done during the weekend, because I had to leave for Munich: earning bred and
butter. Besides  a bottle of real TOKAJI from our Budapest-office (thanks
again), I brought with me the MASCOM 9500 and new research-work from
Dr.Overflow. Let me do some testing first. The de-assembled software of the
d-box will be placed in someones homepage for downloading. Thanks for the
offers from different homepage-owners.
The following letter came in during my absence. I do not know the sender,
but he claims to be Mr. Kirch (some kind of german Rupert M.) the owner of
the german digital package and several sat-tv stations. The writer of this
letter asks for some millions of German Marks, because his DF1 got only
30.000 subscr. and not 200.000 as announced in 1996.
So, all money is spend, he tries now to get 500 Millionen from the banks and
another 500 millionen from the State of Bavaria. With the promise to buy
some color for the black and white movies shown on his pay-tv channels. So,
if you like you can be a sponsor, since he payed a part of your cheap d-box.
Don´t let him down.

>Suche dringend einen Dummen, der mir bzw meiner armen Firma, die nur den
>Fortschritt der Fernsehzuschauer verfolgt, etwas Geld pumpt.
>Bevorzugt sind natürlich Behörden und Staatl. Stellen.
>Meine Firma verbreitet zur Zeit ca: 30 Digitale Programme, denen es
>leider noch etwas an Inhalt mangelt, aber die Zuschauer merken dass ja
>sowieso nicht.
>Eine späteren Spende an Ihre Firma/Partei u.s.w. steht natürlich nichts
>Euer armer Leo Kir(s)ch. ;-)
Christian Mass (Dr.Dish)
Editor of TELE-satellite magazine (http://www.TELE-satellit.com)
Producer of drdish@tv, Europe´s first satellite info-channel

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