

SAT-HUNGARY  21-Mar-1997


     The Hungarian, the Czech, and the Polish version of the HBO movie
channel has started digital test transmissions on the Amos-1 satellite at
4 degrees West. The uplink has been carried out from the Kabelkom center
in Budapest using Scientific Atlanta's MPEG eqipments. The 8 channel
MPEG-2 compressed package has been created to replace the currently used
videotape distribution system and therefore they are capable to transmit
more hours and to show live programs as well, however HBO (and all
associated channels) are remaining cable-only and receiving equipments
are only available for cable television networks.

SAT-HUNGARY  1997. marcius 21.


     Az HBO mozicsatorna magyar, cseh es lengyel verzioja megkezdte
digitalis tesztadasait az Amos-1 muholdon, a nyugati 4 fokos pozicioban.
A felloves a Kabelkom budapesti kozpontjabol tortenik, a Scientific
Atlanta MPEG berendezesek segitsegevel. A nyolc csatornas MPEG-2-ben
tomoritett csomagot azzal a cellal hoztak letre, hogy levaltsak a
jelenleg hasznalt videokazettas rendszert es ezzel tobb musort adhatnak,
s elo kozvetitesekre is kepesek, azonban az HBO (es tars-csatornai)
tovabbra is kabeles adasok maradnak es vevoberendezeshez csak a
kabeltelevizios halozatok juthatnak.

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