SAT-HUNGARY 26-05-97
SAT-HUNGARY 26-May-1997
TV2's start will be delayed by technical reasons
Hungary's second (state owned) national channel, the TV2 was
originaly planned to start on satellite in early August this year. It
seems however that TV2 could only start at the end of August but it also
depends on how and when Eutelsat's Hot Bird 3 will be launched. If HB3 is
up on 15th of July, then test transmissions with TV2 could begin a month
later and normal transmission should start at the end of August.
The reason for the (at least) 1 month delay is technical. HB3 needs
18 GHz uplink, but Antenna Hungaria (the local PTT) presently does not
have such eqipments for uplinking. After the Hot Bird 3 has been launched
and it is working properly then AH will order the necessary things from
the UK. As those gadgets are arrived (within a month) the uplink station
should be opperational in a few days.
This however is also affecting the start of the two new nation wide
commercial channels (MTM-SBS, Irisz Tv or the Hungarian RTL) as well,
since those two stations will use the present transmitters of the TV2 as
well. After TV2 has been successfully begun broadcasting via satellite
another month should pass till the end of its terrestrial era.
SAT-HUNGARY 1997. majus 26.
A TV2 indulasa technikai okok miatt kesik
Magyarorszag masodik (allami tulajdonu) orszagos csatornaja, a TV2
eredetikeg augusztus elejen indult volna muholdon keresztul. Ugy tunik,
hogy a TV2 csak augusztus vegen indulhat, de ez meg fugg attol is, hogy
az Eutelsat Hot Bird 3-as muholdat mikor es hogyan lovik fel. Ha a HB3
fent lesz julius 15-en, akkor a TV2 kiserleti adasai 1 honappal kesobb
megkezdodhetnek es a rendes adas augusztus vegen elindulhat.
A (legalabb) 1 honapos kesedelem oka technikai. A HB3 18 GHz-es
uplink frekvenciat kivan, de az Antenna Hungaria viszont nem rendelkezik
ilyen feladoberendezessel. Ha a Hot Bird 3-at fellottek es rendesen
mukodik, az AH megrendeli a szukseges dolgokat Angliabol. Ha azok a
ketyerek megerkeztek (1 honapon belul), a feladoallomas nehany nap mulva
uzemkepes allapotban lehet.
Ez azonban befolyasolja a ket uj orszagos kereskedelmi tevecsatorna
indulasat is (MTM/SBS, Irisz Tv vagy a magyar RTL), ugyanis ezek az
allomasok a TV2 jelenlegi adoberendezeseit is hasznalni fogjak. Miutan a
TV2 sikeresen elkezdte a muholdas sugarzast, egy ujabb honapnak el kell
telnie, amig foldi palyafutasa veget er.
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