
Sat-Hungary: October is coming

SAT-HUNGARY  1997. szeptember 18.
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Hamarosan elerkezik oktober...

	Minden korabbi hiresztelessel ellentetben meg a mai napon is az a
hivatalos allaspont, hogy a Magyar Televizio masodik csatornaja, az MTV 2
oktober elsejen kezdi meg muholdas palyafutasat az Eutelsat tarsasag Hot
Bird 3-as jelzesu muholdjan. Erre minden esely meg van, hiszen ezt a
muholdat a napokban sikeresen teszteltek a keleti 28 (29) fokos
pozicioban. A feladoallomas bemeresere szeptember 23-an kerul sor, bar
ekkor azt meg nem a Hot Bird 3-mal tesztelik, hanem a Hot Bird 2 erre a
celra kijelolt transzponderevel.

	Mint ismeretes elobb adminisztracio, majd muszaki akalya volt
annak, hogy az MTV 2 muholdon elindulhasson, s ennek kovetkezteben a ket
uj kereskedelmi adas (Tv2 az MTM-SBS csatornaja, ill. az RTL Klub a
Magyar RTL Televizio csatornaja) elindulhasson.

	Az meg mindig vitatott, hogy a Magyar Televizio masodik programja
mehet-e a torvenyben eloirt harminc napig parhuzamosan a foldi, ill. az
egi frekvenciakon. Az MTM-SBS ugyanis mar oktober 4-en szeretne elkezdeni
a musorsugarzast, ezzel szemben az MTV 2 csak oktober elsejetol lathato
muholdrol. Az MTM-SBS az MTV 2 foldi frekvenciainak egy reszet hasznalna,
s igy a parhuzamos sugarzasra csak nehany (3?) nap maradna.

	A helyzet azert is erdekes, mert ha az ORTT megakadalyozza a
harminc napos parhuzamos sugarzast, akkor az MTV 2 valoszinuleg
birosaghoz fordul, ha pedig az MTM-SBS nem indulhat, akkor ok nyujtjak be
karteritesi igenyuket. Az Magyar RTL eleve oktober 27-re tervezi a
vegleges musorrend szerinti indulast, igy szamukra a 30 napos parhuzamos
sugarzas nem jelentene gondot.

	Ezen hirlevel irasakor azonban az alabbi indulasi idopontok

MTV2:     oktober 1. (Hot Bird 3, 71-es transzponder)
Tv2:      oktober 4. (Budapest: UHF 58-as csatorna)
RTL Klub: oktober 7. (Budapest: UHF 24-es csatorna)

	Idetartozo hir meg, hogy a palyazaton vesztes CME (Irisz Tv)
megvasarolja a jelenleg is (muholdon es AM-mikron) sugarzo TV3-at es igy
hasznositja majd a korabban megvasarolt, 5,5 milliard forint erteku
musorcsomagjait. Az indulas idopontjarol kesobb dontenek.

SAT-HUNGARY  18th September 1997.

October is coming soon...

	Despite all the rumours we heard so far, the Hungarian
Television's second channel, MTV 2 will start on 1st of October this
year, using Eutelsat's Hot Bird 3 satellite. As you may already now HB3
was succesfully tested a few days ago at the 28 (29) degrees east orbital
position and it is now on the way to 13 degrees east.

	According to the Hungarian television and radio law MTV 2 should
simulcast for 30 days on both satellite and on the terrestrial
frequencies. However - as it seems to be today - would not be the case,
since one of the franchise-winner commercial televisions (MTM-SBS) is
planning to start on the 4th of October partialy using the present
transmitters of MTV 2. The other franchise-winner, RTL Klub will start on
7th of October with full transmissions starting on 27th of October (also
by using some of the transmitters presently owned by MTV 2).

	This is against the law's requirement of the 30 day simulcast,
but a decision made by the Hungarian Radio and Television Commission. In
this case however the Hungarian Television (MTV) will go to court, what
would MTM-SBS will do as well if they are not allowed to start on the 4th
of October.

	Another news is that the only loser of the franchise, Irisz TV
has decided not to start a separate television channel but to purchase
the TV3's company, which is broadcasting on both satellite (AMOS-1) and
the local AM-micro distribution system in Budapest and of course
rebroadcasted by cable-operators all around the country. With this step
CME (the owner of Irisz TV) will use its pre-purchased programme library
and TV3 will increase its transmission time.

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