News: CSN-1 Movie Channel On DirecTV
CSN-1 Movie Channel On DirecTV Japan
15 January 1998 (TS PACIFIC) -- DirecTV Japan added its latest TV channel,
CSN-1 Movie Channel. The station generally runs second-run movies, after
they have been shown on the premium movie channels, and is carried on most
cable networks and PerfecTV as a low-cost or basic package channel. It
occasionally carries J-League soccer, although this is due to be moved to
J-Sports, a new sports network that will launch on cable and PerfecTV on
February 19. There is no word yet on whether the channel will be carried on
DirecTV, but it is likely to be made available.
CSN-1 is available on channel 252 and broadcast on transponder 12, which it
shares with Asia Business News. Both CSN-1 and ABN are distributed in Japan
by Jupiter Programming. Other Jupiter channels include the Golf Network and
the new J-Sports channel.
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