
SAT-Milan, Updates 20/12/1997

Hello, all!

Finally it's here!!!

This is an Excel 5.0 file containig the frequencies updates from
the last week.

To get the WHOLE file, just follow the link:


if you use a PC-Win, or:


if you use a Mac.

The next update should be ready in about a week, so, in the meantime,
have my best season's greetings and a

Ciao from Milan, Italy

-- .\\agic .\lex

\\ \\    \\      Alex Badalic
  \\ \\    \\    Via Ciro Menotti, 24
o  \\ \\  o \\  20124 MILANO MI - Italy
                       Ph./Fax: +39-2-2047426
                       E-Mail:   mailto:<magic.alex@sente.it>
                       URL:       http://www.sente.it/magic
Multilingual marketing, advertising and publishing in and from Italy?
.\\ .\ - Alex Badalic could be the contact you are looking for!
Also provided: Site authoring, translations and web marketing.
Author of TELE-Satellite's SAT-Milan

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