While I apologize for the delay, here are the updates.
As usual, the complete Sat-Milan file in Excel format can be dovnloaded at:
for the Macintosh version, and at:
for the PC/Windows version.
-- Alex
\\ \\ \\ Alex Badalic
\\ \\ \\ Via Ciro Menotti,
o \\ \\ o \\ 20124 MILANO MI - Italy
Ph./Fax: +39-2-2047426
E-Mail: mailto:<magic.alex@sente.it>
URL: <http://www.sente.it/magic>
ICQ <http://wwp.mirabilis.com/cgi-bin/uinadd?to=6223895>
Multi-lingual marketing, advertising and publishing in and from Italy?
.\\ .\ - Alex Badalic could be the contact you are looking for!
Also provided: Site authoring, translations and web marketing.
Member of TransNet2000 - International translations ring:
application/x-excel; x-mac-type="584C5334"; x-mac-creator="5843454C"; name="SAT-Milan, Updates 98:01:12"