Sat-ND, 26.5.95

From: "Peter C. Klanowski" <pck@LyNet.De>
Date: Mon, 27 May 1996 02:31:48 +0200
From owner-sat-nd@tags1.dn.net Sun May 26 20: 40:39 1996
Sat-ND 96-05-26 - Satellite and Media News
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reproduced for non-commercial reasons only, provided the following notice
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"(c) Copyright 1996 by Sat-ND, http://www.sat-net.com/pck/"
Please send any contributions and comments regarding Sat-ND to
Peter C. Klanowski, Fax +49-451-5820055, pck@LyNet.De
This issue is sponsored by TELE-satellite, Europe's Satellite Magazine
Have a look at their homepage! >> http://www.TELE-satellit.com/ <<
Will it ever start?
Maybe you'll read something like the following again during the next days
or even weeks. In fact, it's not he first time that the maiden flight of
the European Ariane 5 rocket had to be postponed. Today, a problem with a
pump was discovered (apparently in the launching facilities, no the rocket
itself.) According to French Space Agency SNES, a new launch date won't be
set before next Tuesday.
No sex please
MTV has refused to air the new Radio 538 commercial because it allegedly
contains 'nudity' and 'sex'. Other stations like SBS6 and TMF show the
commercial and don't have any problems with it. MTV Europe has, like MTV
US, always been strict on 'protecting' their viewers, for example by
replacing 'bad words' with censor beeps and refusing commercials like the
538 one. Above all, MTV Europe is uplinked from the UK, a country with
authorities well-known for their efforts to keep the airwaves clean. Radio
538 is now working on a version for the less fortunate European viewer :)
For some naughty screen shots, point your browser at
(Jitse Groen/pck)
Kikker Radio is back
Dutch Kikker Radio may start all over again after having been forced off
the air three weeks ago. The station manager unfortunately forgot to apply
for a license. He applied then, and the Commissariaat voor de Media was
abnormally fast. It usually takes six to eight weeks for a license to be
issued. (Jitse Groen/pck)
DMX reports loss increase
Pay-radio DMX reported a net loss of US$7.8 million for the quarter ending
March 31, compared to a net loss of US$4.6 million in the same period a
year before. The main problem still seems to be DMX Europe, making up for
most of the losses.
The company recorded revenues of US$4 million, an increase of 28.7%
compared to 1995. Revenues from residential subscribers now represent two
thirds of total subscriber fee revenues, with commercial subscriber
accounting for the remainder.
During the last few days, there has also been a major shift of DMX stakes.
US cable company TCI increased its share in DMX from 14 to about 45
percent. DMX also acquired 49 percent interest in DMX-Europe NV held by
Telecommunications International Inc. in exchange for 10.8 million shares
of common stock of DMX.
Leo geht aufs Eis
Leo Kirch bastelt weiter an seinem Digital-Paket DF1. Die glücklose
Deutsche Eishockey-Liga DEL hat die Übertragungsrechte für das Gebolze auf
dem Eis bis zum Jahr 2000 für angeblich 88 Millionen DM an den
Kirch-Ableger Taurus vergeben. Ab 1997 wird Eishockey auf einem neuen
Pay-TV-Kanal zu sehen sein, als Resteverwertung dann auch beim Deutschen
SportFernsehen (DSF). Zuvor überträgt noch einmal premiere eine Saison.
Der bisherige Rechteinhaber, die Bertelsmann-Tochter Ufa, hatte zwar
zunächst 120 Millionen DM für die Eishockey-Rechte über sechs Jahre
geboten, beteiligte sich dann aber nicht weiter an dem "undurchsichtigen
Will they ever stop?
Some commercial news services already make loads of money with this funny
guessing game: When will the Scandinavian Kinnevik channels leave ASTRA?
Well, don't ask ASTRA. According to their German marketing agency,
Kinnevik simply has to fulfil "valid contracts" even though subscribers to
their pay TV channels had been informed about ASTRA services to be
discontinued on June 1 and July 1, respectively. No longer. Now, Kinnevik
announces switching off TV3 Denmark, TV3 Sweden and TV1000 on August 1
while at the same time not elaborating on TV3 Norway. Rumour has it that
there are still not enough satellite dishes pointed at the Scandinavian
hot bird positions. Rumours, of course, because other sources claim that
most satellite antennas in Scandinavia aren't fixed anyway. So, believe
what you can read on TV3 Denmark's teletext page 347 – or don't. (Mogens
Poulsen via Stefan Hagedorn/Holger Zeissler/pck)
Zomer TV unveils schedule
One week before its launch, Zomer TV from Radio Netherlands has introduced
its schedule. Transmissions will start at 2000 CEST with "Studio
Netherlands", followed by NOS Journaal at 2030 CEST. Programming from
national channels Ned-1, 2 and 3 will be carried from 2100 to 2315 CEST.
After that, its Sports, followed by Nova at 2330. Closedown will be at
2400 CEST. The channel which is targeted at Dutch tourists abroad will be
on air from June 1 through August 31 on ASTRA transponder 53. (Stefan
INTELSAT 604 (60°E)
On 11.680 GHz h, video feeds from Turkey could be seen this morning (audio
on 6,65 MHz.) The transponder seemed not to be in use so far. (Peter
INTELSAT 512 (21.3°W)
Sudan TV appeared last night on 3.740 GHz h with audio on 6.6 MHz. (Peter
Thanks to our contributors --
Jitse Groen: jgl@dds.nl
Stefan Hagedorn: DXStefan@aol.com
Peter Krause: Fax +49-521-893377
Holger Zeissler: Holger.Zeissler@darmstadt.netsurf.de
Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr. Copyright 1996 by Peter C. Klanowski,
pck@LyNet.De. All rights reserved.
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