
Frequenztabelle Digitalsatellit Astra 1 E, Stand 20.4.96

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Frequenztabelle Digital-Satellit  Astra 1 E, 19,2 Grad Ost (Stand 20.4.96)    
frequency-list digital-satellit  Astra 1 E, 19.2 E   (20/4/96) 

Transponder  66 11,739 GHz V   - CANAL SATELLITE

1	Canal Plus
2	Canal Plus Jaune
3 	Canal Plus Bleu
4	Mosa=EFque
5	TMC Monte Carlo
6	Eurosport
7	Canal J
8	Planete

Transponder 68, 11,778 GHz V   - CANAL SATELLITE

9	Voyage
10	Meteo
11	LCI
12	CNN
13	Canal Jimmy
15	C :
16	MCM
18	Paris Premiere

Transponder  70 11,817 Ghz V  -  CANAL SATELLITE

20	Kiosque 1
21	Kiosque 2
22	Kiosque 3
23	Kiosque 4
24	Kiosque 5
25	Kiosque 6
29	Download

Transponder 72 11,856 GHz  V  -  CANAL SATELLITE

30	Cine Cinefil
31	Cine Cinemas 1
32	Cine Cinemas 2
33	Cine Cinemas 3
40	Muzzik
50	Canal Plus 16/9
51	Cine Cinemas 16/9

Transponder  74 11,895 Ghz V  -  SES LUXEMBOURG

201	NVOD Demo
202	NVOD Demo
203	NVOD Demo
204	NVOD Demo
205	NVOD Demo
206	NVOD Demo
207	NVOD Demo

Transponder 80 12,012  Ghz V  -  NETHOLD

208	Filmnet 1 Benelux
209	Super Sport Belgique
210	Super Sport Hollande
211	Hallmark Benelux
212	SBS 6
213	VT4

Transponder 69 11,797 GHz H  -  BETA KIRCH

217	Comedy
218	Junior
219	Star Kino
220	CMT
221	DF 1

Transponder  71 11,836 GHz H  -   ARD/ZDF

222	VH1
223	MTV
224	ZDF
225	ARD

Transponder 77  11,953 GHz H  -   NETHOLD

226	Filmnet 1 Nordic
227	Filmnet 2 Nordic
228	Super Sport Nordic
229	Hallmark Nordic
230	TV Norge
231	Kanal 5

Transponder 79 11,992 Ghz H  -  BETA KIRCH

250	DF1 Demo 1
251	DF1 Demo 2
252	DF1 Demo 3
253	DF 1 Demo 4
254	DF 1 Demo 5

Transponder 81 12,031 Ghz H  -   BETA KIRCH

257	Cinedom
258	Cinedom 1
259	Cinedom 2
260	Cinedom 3
261	Cinedom 4

Transponder  83 12,070 GHz H  -  BSKYB

264	Sky Sport
265	Sky Movie
266	Sky One
267	Sky News

DMX (audio) Programme on the Nethold Transponder

DX 1 	Symphonic
DX2 	Country
DX3	Techno
DX4	Reggae
DX5	Great Singers
DX6	European Hits
DX7	Opera
DX8	Love Songs
DX9	Contemporary
DX10	New Age
DX11	Jazz Classic
DX12	Rock Classic
DX13	Latin
DX14	Norvegien
DX15	Danois
DX16	Classic
DX17	Soul

zusammengestellt von Stephane Lacombe, mit freundlicher Genehmigung
Reprint for this list with kind permission of Stephane Lacombe.
Quelle/source  COMFM,  comfm@comfm.fr

This piece of news is from sat-stefan-tab sponsored by TELE-satellit 

(c) by Editor

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