Frequenzliste Eutelsat II-F2, TV + Radio (8.7.96)
From: DXStefan@aol.com
Date: Mon, 8 Jul 1996 14:10:01 -0400
From owner-sat-stefan-tab@tags1.dn.net Mon Jul 8 14: 18:32 1996
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Frequenztabelle Eutelsat II-F2, 10 Grad Ost, TV (Stand 8.7.1996)
frequency-chart Eutelsat II-F2, 10 degrees E, TV (up-date 8/7/96)
Programm Sparte Sprache QRG SendezeitAudio Video Note
a-tv Turkey Unterh tuerk 10.987 H 24h 6,60 PAL VT,RA
SATEL Musik tuerk 11.020 H 24h 6,60 PAL
EU by satellite (*) Infos mehrsp 11.080 H mo-fr diverse PAL/D2 VT
Occasional News Uebers mehrsp 11.080 H sonnab 6,60 PAL
Occasional News Uebers mehrsp 11.163 H sporad 6,60 PAL
Opposition Iran Infos arab 11.163 H abends 6,60 PAL
SNAI TV (bis 9/96) Pferde ital 11.163 H ca21-0h 6,60 PAL
ET 1 / 2/ 3 Unterh griesch 11.596 H 24h 6,60 PAL
Vasa Television Unterh slowak 10.972 V 24h 6,60 PAL VT
TGRT Feed Uebers tuerk 11.062 V sporad 6,60 PAL
TGRT Unterh tuerk 11.092 V 24h 6,60 PAL RA
Occasional News Uebers mehrsp 11.142 V sporad 6,60 PAL
AFRTS TV * Unterh engl 11.178 V 24h digi B-MAC RA
WorldNet/C-Span Infos engl 11.576 V 10.3-16.3 6,60 PAL
Occasional News Uebersp mehrsp 11.576 V sporad 6,60 PAL
BHT Bosn-Herzeg Vollp bosn 11.576 V 21-23.3 7,02 PAL
Sat.Club TV SCT * Erotik ital 11.576 V 23.3-2h 6,50 PAL
Interstar Unterh tuerk 11.615 V 24h 6,60 PAL RA
RTP Internacional Unterh portug 11.657 V 24h 6,60 PAL RA
* codiert, zeitweise clear window
VT= teletext RA=Radio
Frequenztabelle Eutelsat II-F2 10 Grad Ost, Radio (Stand 8.7.96)
frequency-chart Eutelsat II-F2, 10 degrees E, radio (up-date 8/7/96)
Programm Sparte Sprache bei TV Tv-QRG Audio
Kiss FM Pop tuerk a-tv 10.986 H 7,20
Radio Sport Folklore tuerk a-tv 10.986 H 7,56
Radio TGRT Infos tuerk TGRT 11.096 V 7,20/7,38
Z-FM Pop engl AFRTS 11.178 V digi
Power Net Pop engl AFRTS 11,178 V digi
Voice of America Infos engl WorldNet 11.576 V 7,38
Metro FM Pop tuerk Interstar 11.615 V 7,02/7,20
Kral FM Folklore tuerk Interstar 11.615 V 7,38/7,56
Super FM Folklore tuerk Interstar 11.615 V 8,10/8,28
RDP Internat Unterh portu RTP 11.657 V 7,02
RDP Antena 1 Unterh portu RTP 11.657 V 7,20
RFM Renasecenc1 Unterh portu RTP 11.657 V 7,38-7,56
RFM Renasecenc2 Unterh portu RTP 11.657 V 7,74-7,92
Radio Comercial Unterh portu RTP 11.657 V 8,10-8,28
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Suggestions, informations and questions o this free news-service please send
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This piece of news is from sat-stefan-tab provided by TELE-satellit
(c) 1996 by editor
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