
Frequenzliste Kopernikus DFS 1 FM3, TV + Radio (15.8.96)

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Frequenzliste KOPERNIKUS DFS 1 FM3,  23,5 Grad Ost -TV-  (Stand 15.8.1996)
Frequency-list KOPERNIKUS DFS 1 FM 3,  23,5 degrees E -TV- (up-date 15/8/96)
Programm	Sparte	Sprache	Transp	SendezeitAudio	Video	VT/RA
SAT 1 Fernsehen	Unterhalt	dt	11.475 H	24h	7,02-7,2	PAL	VT,RA
DBP Usingen	Testdia	dt	11.525 H	24h	7,38/7,92	PAL	VT,RA
Nickelodeon	Kinder	dt	11.625 H	24h	7,02-7,2	PAL	VT
Wetter-Kanal	Wetter	dt	11.675 H	24h	7,02-7,2	PAL	
arte  (dt/franz.)	Kultur	dt/franz	11.550 V	24h	7,02-7,2	PAL	VT,RA
VOX / DCTP 	Unterh	dt	11.601 V	24h	7,02-7,2	PAL	RA
Occasional News	Uebertra	dt	12.558 H	sporad	6,6	PAL	
Premiere * bis 9/96	Pay-TV	dt	12.588 V	24h	7,02-7,2	PAL	VT,RA
Occasional News	Uebertra	dt	12.692 H	sporad	6,6	PAL	
Farbbalken-Dia	Testbild	dt	12.724 V	24h	no	PAL	RA
Frequenzliste KOPERNIKUS DFS 1 FM3, 23,5 Grad Ost -Radio- (Stand 15.8.96)
Frequencylist KOPERNIKUS DFS 1 FM3, 23,5 deg. E -radio- (up-date 15/8/96)
Programm	Sparte	Sprache	bei TV	Tv-QRG	Audio		
Klassik Radio	Klassik	dt	SAT 1	11.475 H	7,38-7,56		
Radio Melodie	Volksmu	dt	SAT 1	11.475 H	7,74-7,92		
Point of Sale1	LadenFM	dt	DBP Dia	11.525 H	7,38		
Point of Sale2	LadenFM	dt	DBP Dia	11.525 H	7,56		
Point of Sale3	LadenFM	dt	DBP Dia	11.525 H	7,74		
Ponit of Sale4	LadenFM	dt	DBP Dia	11.525 H	7,92		
DSR   (bis ?)	diverse	dt	no	12.625 H	digital		
Jam FM Radio	Musik	dt	Arte	11.550 V	7,38-7,56		
RTL-Die gr. Oldies	Oldies	dt	VOX	11.601 V	7,38-7,56		
Deutschlandfunk	Infos	dt	VOX	11.601 V	7,74-7,92		
Kl. Radio(bis 9/96)	Klassik	dt	Premiere	12.592 V	7,38-7,56		
AKK Business*	Infos	dt	no	12.544 V	digital		
Business Radio*	Infos	dt	Testdia	12.724 V	7,72		
Business Radio*	Infos	dt	Testdia	12.724 V	7,84		
Business Radio*	Infos	dt	Testdia	12.724 V	7,94		
*  codiert/encrypted, zeitweise "clear window"				
VT = teletext-service   RA = radio-station available	

Meldungen, Informationen & Anmerkungen senden Sie an folgende Adresse: 
For suggestions, information and questions please send a eMail to 
Stefan Hagedorn, DXStefan@aol.com  - CompuServe 100702,350
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This piece of news is from sat-stefan-tab provided by TELE satellit
(c) 1996 by editor				

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