
Frequenzliste Eutelsat II-F3, TV (21.8.96)

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Frequenzliste EUTELSAT II-F3, 16 Grad Ost -TV-  (Stand 21.8.1996)
Frequency-list EUTELSAT II-F3, 16 degrees E -TV- (up-date 21.8.96)	

Programm	Sparte	Sprache	Frequenz	SendezeitAudio	Video	VT/RA
HRT Television	Vollpro	kroat	10.987 H	17-0.3	6,65	PAL	RA,VT
Rendez-Vous  *	Erotik	franz	10.987 H	1-5h	digit	D2MAC	
Peoples Rev. TV  	Vollpro	arab	11.080 H	15-23h	6,60	PAL	
Occasional News	Uebersp	mehrsp	11.163 H	sporad	6,60	PAL	
Qa`im Channel	religioes	arab	11.163 H	fr-so ab	6,60	PAL	
EURO 7 / Club	Dokus	holl	11.555 H	7-17h	6,60	PAL	VT
TVPlus (-31.12.)*	Unterhalt	holl	11.555 H	19-23h	digit	D2MAC	VT
Duna Television	Unterhalt	ungar	11.596 H	24h	6,60	PAL	RA,VT
art 5              	Unterhalt	arab	11.638 H	bis ?	6,60	PAL
Occasional News	Uebersp	mehrsp	11.638 H	sporad	6,60	PAL	
TV Algerien	Unterhalt	alger	11.678 H	24h	6,60	PAL	RA
RTM Morocco	Unterhalt	maroc	10.972 V	24h	6,60	PAL	RA
ART Europe 	Unterhalt	arab	11.096 V	24h	6,60	PAL	
Nile TV  Egypt	Unterhalt	franz/eng	11.145 V	sporad	6,60	PAL	
Egypt Satellite Ch.	Unterhalt	arab	11.177 V	24h	6,60	PAL	RA
SAT 7  (Friday)	religioes	arab	11.576 V	12.3-14.3	6,60	PAL	
CTV  Ecclessia	religioes	ital	11.576 V	18-18.30	6,60	PAL	
RTSH Albanien	Unterhalt	alban	11.576 V	18.3-20.3	6,60	PAL	RA,VT
RTVi  Romania	Unterhalt	rumaen	11.576 V	20.35-0h	6,60	PAL	
AG    Vision 	Auktion	engl	11.576 V	do vorm	6,60	PAL	
CTV  Vaticano	religioes	ital	11.576 V	mi/fr vor	6,60	PAL	
New life/Miracle	Bildung	ara/eng	11.576 V	fr+sa na	6,60/7,02	PAL	
Canal+ Polska *	Unterhalt	poln	11.617 V	24h	6,60	PAL	VT
TV7  Tunesien	Unterhalt	arab	11.658 V	24h	6,60	PAL	RA

*  codiert/encrypted    (*) clear windows

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For suggestions, information and questions please send a eMail to 
Stefan Hagedorn, DXStefan@aol.com  - CompuServe 100702,350
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This piece of news is from sat-stefan-tab provided by TELE satellit
(c) 1996 by editor

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