
Frequenzliste Eutelsat II-F3, TV (19.9.96)

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Frequency-list EUTELSAT II-F3, 16 degrees E -TV- (up-date 19.9.96)
Programm	Sparte	Sprache	Frequenz	Zeit	Audio	Video	VT/RA
HRT Television	Vollpro	kroat	10.987H	17-0.3	6,65	PAL	RA,VT
Rendez-Vous*	Erotik	franz	10.987H	1-5h	digital	D2MAC	
Peopl. Rev. TV 	Vollpro	arab	11.080H	15-23h	6,60	PAL	
Occasional News	Feed	mehrsp	11.163H	sporad	6,60	PAL	
Qa`im Channel	Religi.	arab	11.163H	fr-so	6,60	PAL	
EURO 7  	Dokus	holl	11.555H	7-17h	6,60	PAL	VT
TVPlus [16:9]*	b. 31.12.	holl	11.555H	19-23h	digital	D2MAC	VT
Duna Television	Unterh	ungar	11.596H	24h	6,60	PAL	RA,VT
Occasional News	Feeds	mehrsp	11.638H	sporad	6,60	PAL	
TV Algerien	Unterh	alger	11.678H	24h	6,60	PAL	RA
RTM Morocco	Unterh	maroc	10.972V	24h	6,60	PAL	RA
ART Europe 	Unterh	arab	11.096V	24h	6,60	PAL	
Nile TV      	Unterh	fran/eng	11.145V	sporad	6,60	PAL	
ESC         	Unterh	arab	11.177V	24h	6,60	PAL	RA
SAT 7 (freitag)	Religi.	arab	11.576V	mittag	6,60	PAL	
CTV  Ecclessia	Religi.	ital	11.576V	abends	6,60	PAL	
RTSH Albanien	Unterh	alban	11.576V	abends	6,60	PAL	RA,VT
RTVi  Romania	Unterh	rumaen	11.576V	20.3-0	6,60	PAL	
AG Vision   	Auktion	engl	11.576V	do vorm	6,60	PAL	
CTV Vaticano	Religi.	ital	11.576V	mi/fr vor	6,60	PAL	
Newlife/Miracle	Bildung	ara/eng	11.576V	fr-sa	6,60/7,02	PAL	
Canal+ Polska *	Unterh	poln	11.617V	24h	6,60	PAL	VT
TV7 Tunesien	Unterh	arab	11.658V	24h	6,60	PAL	RA

* codiert/encrypted
Meldungen, Informationen & Anmerkungen senden Sie an folgende Adresse: 
For suggestions, information and questions please send a eMail to 
Stefan Hagedorn, DXStefan@aol.com  - CompuServe 100702,350
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This piece of news is from sat-stefan-tab provided by TELE satellit
(c) 1996 by editor

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