Frequenzliste Eutelsat II-F3, TV + Radio (29.10.96)
From: DXStefan@aol.com
Date: Tue, 29 Oct 1996 09:59:54 -0500
From owner-sat-stefan-tab@tags1.dn.net Tue Oct 29 12: 17:25 1996
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Frequency-list EUTELSAT II-F3, 16 degrees E -TV- (up-date 29.10.96)
Programm Genre Zeit Sprache Video QRG Audio VT/RA
HRT Television Vollpro 17-0.3 kroat PAL 10.987H 6,65 RA,VT
Rendez-Vous* Erotik 1-5h franz D2MAC 10.987H digital
JSC [TV Qatar] Start: 01.11. arab PAL 11.080H 6,60
TV 10 Gold $ Unterh 24h holl MPEG2 11.015H digital
Music Factory $ Musik 24h holl MPEG2 11.024H digital
Occasion. News Feed sporad mehrsp PAL 11.163H 6,60
Qa`im Channel Religi. fr-so arab PAL 11.163H 6,60
Thaiwave Vollp abends thai PAL 11.163H 6,60
EURO 7 Dokus 7-17h holl PAL 11.555H 6,60 VT
TVPlus [16:9]* bis: 31.12. holl D2MAC 11.555H digital VT
TV Eurotica * Erotik 0-5h engl PAL 11.555H STEREO
Duna Television Unterh 24h ungar PAL 11.596H 6,60 RA,VT
Occasion. News Feeds sporad mehrsp PAL 11.638H 6,60
TV Algerien Unterh 24h alger PAL 11.678H 6,60 RA
RTM Morocco Unterh 24h maroc PAL 10.972V 6,60 RA
ART Europe Unterh 24h arab PAL 11.096V 6,60
Nile TV Unterh sporad fr/eng PAL 11.145V 6,60
ESC Unterh 24h arab PAL 11.177V 6,60 RA
SAT 7 Relig. fr mitt arab PAL 11.576V 6,60
CTV Ecclessia Religi. abends ital PAL 11.576V 6,60
RTSH Albanien Unterh abends alban PAL 11.576V 6,60 RA,VT
RTVi Romania Unterh 20.3-0 rumaen PAL 11.576V 6,60
AG Vision Auktion do vorm engl PAL 11.576V 6,60
CTV Vaticano Religi. vorm ital PAL 11.576V 6,60
Newlife/Miracle Bildung fr-sa ara/eng PAL 11.576V 6,60/7,02
Canal+ Polska * Unterh 24h poln PAL 11.617V 6,60 VT
TV7 Tunesien Unterh 24h arab PAL 11.658V 6,60 RA
* codiert, zeitweise "clear windows"
VT = teletext RA = radio-station
$ MPEG 2 SCPC-Signale: Symbolate 5.630, FEC 3/4
Frequency-chart EUTELSAT II-F3, 16 degrees E -Radio- (up-date 29/10/96)
Programm Sparte Sprache bei TV Tv-QRG Audio Note
Hrvatska Radyo Vollp kroat HRT 10.987H 7,02 17-0.30h
Kossuth Radio Infos ungar Duna TV 11.596H 7,02
Petoefi Kultur ungar Duna TV 11.596H 7,38
Radio 1 Vollp arab TV Alg. 11.678H 7,02
Radio 2 Vollp arab TV Alg. 11.678H 7,20
La Chaine 3 Vollp ara/fra TV Alg. 11.678H 7,38
Ra. Al. Culture Kultur arab TV Alg. 11.678H 7,56
unknown radio diverse diverse TV Alg. 11.678H 7,74
RTM Infos arab RTM 10.972V 7,02
RTM Internat. Infos arab RTM 10.972V 7,38
RTM (Berber) Vollp arab RTM 10.972V 7,56
Vo. of Arabic Vollp arab ESC 11.178V 7,02
ERTU Midd Ea Vollp arab ESC 11.178V 7,20
ERTU Arab Folkl. arab ESC 11.178V 7,38
ERTU Culture Kultur arab ESC 11.178V 7,56
Radio Tirana Unterh alban TVSH 11.576V 7,20 18.3-20.30h
RTT Internat. Infos mehrsp TV7 Tu. 11.658V 7,02
RTT Tunesia Unterh arab TV7 Tu. 11.658V 7,20
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(c) 1996 by editor
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