
Frequenzliste Telecom 2 A, TV (7.11.96)

TAB-Frequenztabellen, gesponsert von Europa's Sat-Magazin TELE satellite 	
- Ihr regelmaessiger Up-date Service fuer die europaischen Satelliten	
- a regular chart up-date service for all satellites in Europe			
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an die folgende Adresse: Stefan Hagedorn, DXStefan@aol.com 
For the permisson of commercial utilization (for example reprints)
you send a eMail to:   Stefan Hagedorn, DXStefan@aol.com

Freuency-chart TELECOM 2 A, 8 degrees W - TV -  (up-date 7/11/96)
Programm	Sparte	Zeit	Sprache	Video	QRG	Audio 
MCM Euromus.*	Musik	24h	franz 	Secam	12.544H	7,02-7,20
Planete *       	Bildung	24h	franz	Secam	12.584H	5,40/6,60
Cine Cinefil *     	Spielfilm	24h	franz	Secam	12.627H	5,40/6,60
Cine Cinemas*  	Spielfilm	24h	franz	Secam	12.668H	5,40/6,60
Eurosport France*	Sport	8-2h	franz	Secam	12.711H	5,40/6,60
Canal Plus *	Unterh	24h	franz	D2MAC	12.522V	digital
Paris Premiere*	Unterh	24h	franz	Secam	12.564V	5,40/6,60
SuperVision  	Unterh	24h	franz	D2MAC	12.606V	digital
Canal Plus *	Unterh	24h	franz	Secam	12.648V	7,02-7,20
Cine Cinemas*	Spielfilm	24h	franz	D2MAC	12.692V	digital
Canal J  *     	Kinder	8-20h	franz	Secam	12.732V	5,40/6,6
Canal Jimmy*	Spielfilm	20-8h	franz	Secam	12.732V	5,40/6,60
*  codiert/scrambled,   zeitweise "clear windows"
VT = teletext	RA = radio 					
Note: there is no radio-station at this satellite available!				

Meldungen, Informationen & Anmerkungen senden Sie an folgende Adresse: 
For suggestions, information and questions please send a eMail to 
DXStefan@aol.com or Stefan.Hagedorn@metronet.de
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This piece of news is from sat-stefan provided by TELE-satellit
(c) 1996 by editor

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