
Transponder NEWS Chart 7/97 (17.2.97)

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* Your regular up-date transponder line-up service for analogue and digital
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Transponder NEWS Chart Ausgabe 7/97 - Stand 17.2.1997
Programm	Bemerkung	Date	QRG	Video	Audio
EUTELSAT I-F4, 25,5 Grad Ost E					
FilmNet Hellas	will cease soon	??     	11.095H	MPEG2	digital
KOPERNIKUS DFS 1 FM3, 23,5 Grad Ost E					
arte/Kinderkan.	abgeschaltet	13.02.	11.549V	PAL  	7,02-7,20
JAM FM       	abgeschaltet	13.02.	11.549V	PAL  	7,02-7,20
Phoenix        	Aufschaltung 	01.04.	??     	PAL   	7,02-7,20
ASTRA 1 A-F, 19,2 Grad Ost E					
FFH-DAB    	gestartet     	13.02.	10.964H	ADR   	8,28
Premiere Digit.	vollst. codiert	10.02.	12.109H	MPEG2	digital
CSE-Radios  	maybe encrypt.	10.02.	11.973V	MPEG2	digital
SES promo-trai.	occas. interru.	24h  	10.832H	PAL 	diverse
EUTELSAT II-F3, 16 Grad Ost E					
Euro  7        	new times:    	12-13h	11.080H	PAL 	6,60
TV Eurotica(*)	new times:   	1-5.3h	11.163H	PAL  	7,02-7,20
Qa`im Channel	new times:    	0-1h	11.163H	PAL  	7,02-7,20
free channel  	powered down	24h  	11.617V	no     	no       
TMF TV 9     	will cease     	??     	11.024H	MPEG2	digital
EUTELSAT II-F1/Hot Bird 1+2, 13 Grad Ost E					
Klassik Radio  	aufgeschaltet  	15.02.	11.593H	RADIO	7,74/7,92
Deutschlandfk	abgeschaltet  	15.02.	11.593H	RADIO	7,74/7,92
R. Free Europe	is back again  	24h  	11.095H	RADIO	8,10
MCM Eurom.	digi-pa. start	28.02.	11.308H	MPEG2	digital
VH 1 Export  	has started   	24h  	12.542V	MPEG2	digital
Multivision1-4	has started   	24h  	12.542V	MPEG2	digital
RAI package  	new parameter  	13.02.	11.806V	MPEG2	digital
FilmNet Hellas	will encr. soon	24h  	11.823H	MPEG2	digital
EUTELSAT II-F2, 10 Grad Ost E					
Pop Radyo (?)  	has started   	24h  	10.987H	RADIO 	7,02-7,20
free channel  	powered down  	24h  	11.658V	no   	no
TELECOM 2 B/D, 5 Grad West W					
MPEG2-tests	has ceased   	14.02.	11.572V	MPEG2	digital
INTELSAT 601, 27,5 Grad West W					
Nethold packa.	has started  	24h  	11.474H	MPEG2	digital
DVB Test Mod	has started   	24h  	11.661V	MPEG2	digital
ORION 1, 37,5 Grad West W					
A3 [MSAT Hun]	has started   	24h  	12.715H	MPEG2	digital

(*)  codiert/encrypted, zeitweise "clear windows" 							
*  codiert/encrypted			

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* For the permisson of commercial utilization (for example reprints ect.) 
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Latest DX-Snapshots: http://www.sat-tv.com
Transponder NEWS:   http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/hagedorn

This piece of news is from sat-stefan-tab provided by TELE satellit
(c) 1997 by editor

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