
Frequenzliste Hisapsat 1 A+B, TV + Radio (26.3.97)

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* Your regular up-date transponder line-up service for analogue and digital
  channels at birds between 28.5 degrees E and 37.5 degrees W

Transponder line-up HISPASAT 1 A+B, 30 degrees W  - TV - 
(up-date 26/3/97)
Programm       	Genre	Zeit  	Sprache	Video	QRG	Audio	VT/RA
Tele Deporte  	Sport	16-1h	span  	PAL	12.149l	6,60	
Canal Classico	Filme	16-1h	span  	PAL	12.225l	Stereo	VT,RA
Cinemania 2(*)	Fime	24h  	span  	PAL	12.302l	6,60	
Telesat 5      	Unterh	13-22h	span  	PAL	12.380l	6,60	
Antena 3 Digit.	diverse	24h  	span  	MPEG2	12.456l	digital	
Occasio. News	Feeds	sporad	mehrsp	variab	11.498H	6,60	
Can.Sat.Digit.*	diverse	24h   	span	MPEG2	11.539H	digital	
Taurus Pr. Se.*	diverse	24h   	span	MPEG2	11.683H	digital	
Telefonica Pak.	diverse	24h   	span	MPEG2	12.592H	digital	
Telefonica Pak.	diverse	24h   	span	MPEG2	12.632H	digital	
Antena 3 TV *	Vollp	24h  	span  	PAL	12.673H	6,60	VT,RA
Canal+ Esp.(*)	Vollp	24h  	span  	PAL	12.711H	6,60	RA
Occasio. News	Feeds	sporad	mehrsp	PAL	11.539V	6,60	
Occasio. News	Feeds	sporad	mehrsp	PAL	11.665V	6,60	
Occasio. News	Feeds	sporad	mehrsp	PAL	11.681V	6,60	
Occasi. News	Feeds	sporad	mehrsp	PAL	12.592V	6,60	RA
Canal On       	Musik	1-6h	span   	PAL	12.592V	7,02-7,20	
Tele 5 Espana *	Vollp	24h  	span	PAL	12.632V	6,60	VT,RA
TV3 Catalunya	Vollp	20-24h	span	PAL	12.673V	6,60	RA
Occasio. News	Feeds	sporad	mehrsp	PAL	12.673V	6,60	
Canal Sur     	Vollp	18-23h	span  	PAL	12.711V	6,60	
(*)  codiert/encrypted, zeitweise "clear windows" 							
*  codiert/encrypted							
VT   teletext							
RA   radio
Transponder line-up HISPASAT 1 A+B, 30 degrees W - Radio - 
(up-date 26/3/97)							
Programm	Genre	Zeit	Sprache	Video	QRG	Audio 	
Radio 1        	Vollp	24h  	span	PAL	12.149l	7,38-7,56	
Radio 5       	Vollp	24h  	span	PAL	12.149l	7,74	
Radio Exterior	Musik	24h  	span	PAL	12.149l	7,92	
Radio Clasica	Klassik	24h  	span	PAL	12.225l	7,38-7,56	
RNE Radio 3	Musik	24h  	span	PAL	12.225l	7,74-7,92	
Cadena 100 	Musik	24h  	span	PAL	12.673H	7,02-7,20	
O. Cero Radio 	Musik	24h  	span	PAL	12.673H	7,38	
Cadena Cope	Musik	24h  	span	PAL	12.711H	7,02	
Cadena Top  	Musik	24h  	span	PAL	12.711H	7,56	
Radio Sur    	Vollp	24h  	span	PAL	12.711V	7,20	
Radio Canarias	Vollp	24h  	span	PAL	12.631V	7,02	
Com Radio      	Vollp	24h  	span	PAL	12.631V	7,74	
Catalunya Ra.	Vollp	24h  	span	PAL	12.673V	7,38	
Catalunya Info 	News	24h  	span	PAL	12.673V	7,74	

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   fragen zum Sat-Empfang senden Sie an die nachfolgende Adresse
* Information, suggestions to the Transponder NEWS and questions
   about the satellite-reception send to
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* For the permisson of commercial utilization (for example reprints ect.) 
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TELE satellite:           http://www.TELE-satellit.com
Latest DX-Snapshots: http://www.sat-tv.com
Transponder NEWS:   http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/hagedorn

This piece of news is from sat-stefan-tab provided by TELE satellit
(c) 1997 by editor

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