Frequenzliste Eutelsat II-F3, TV + Radio (26.5.97)
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* Ihr regelmaessiger up-date-service fuer die analoge und digitale Trans-
ponderbelegung der Satelliten von 28.5 Grad Ost bis 37.5 Grad West
* Your regular up-date transponder line-up service for analogue and digital
channels at birds between 28.5 degrees E and 37.5 degrees W
+++++++++++++++++ JOB OFFER +++++++++++++++++++++
German --> English Translators Needed
The translation staff of TELE-satellite magazine needs helping hands,
that is: brains, capable of understanding German and translating it into
English. Yes, TELE-satellite knows about automatic computer transla-
tors, and, no, those are of no use whatsoever. Only humans can do this
kind of work, which requires good knowledge of a sometimes weird German
(no wonder when you look at the authors writing for TELE-satellite <g>) and
which requires some basic knowledge of satellite technology. In fact, what
TELE-satellite is mainly looking for are not so much translators but
satellite enthusiasts able to re-tell in English (in their own words) a given
article written in German.
Lots of articles have to be translated every two month, when a new issue
of TELE-satellite is put together. Therefore, fast response (usually between
24 or 48 hours) is needed during those peak times. Anyone interested in
co-working with TELE-satellite in this area is welcomed to contact
head-of-staff Alexander Wiese at: awiese@TELE-satellite.com
Transponder line-up EUTELSAT II-F3, 16 degrees E -TV-
(up-date 26/5/97)
Programm Genre Zeit Sprache Video QRG Audio Note
HRT Television Vollpro 17-1h kroat PAL 10.987H 6,65 S,V,R
Rendez-Vous(*) Trailer 1-5h franz PAL 10.987H 6,60 S
JSC [TV Qatar] Vollp 24h arab PAL 11.080H 6,60 S,R
TV 10 Gold Unterh 24h holl MPEG2 11.015H digital S
Music Factory Musik Musik holl MPEG2 11.024H digital S
Wizla Television Unterh 24h poln MPEG2 11.060H digital S
Occasi. News Feed sporad mehrsp PAL 11.163H 6,60 S
Thaiwave Vollp variab thai PAL 11.163H 6,60 S
Qa`im Channel Vollp fr-so arab PAL 11.163H 6,60 S
TV Eurotica(*) Erotik 2-6.3h engl PAL 11.163H 7,02-7,20 S
ART Europe Vollp 24h arab PAL 11.555H 6,60 S
Duna Television Unterh 24h ungar PAL 11.596H 6,60 W,V,R
HOT DirecPC Service 24h no no 11.638H digital S
Occasi. News Feed sporad mehrsp PAL 11.678H 6,60 S
RTM Morocco Unterh 24h maroc PAL 10.972V 6,60 W,R
ART Europe Unterh 24h arab PAL 11.096V 6,60 W
Nile TV Unterh 24h fr/eng PAL 11.145V 6,60 W
ESC Unterh 24h arab PAL 11.177V 6,60 W,R
QTTVQuantum Shop. do mitt engl PAL 11.576V 6,60 S
SAT 7 Relig. fr mitt arab PAL 11.576V 6,60 S
AG Vision Auktion do nach engl PAL 11.576V 6,60 S
Kanal Ukraina Vollp mi/s/s russ PAL 11.576V 6,60 S
CTV Ecclessia Religi. abends ital PAL 11.576V 6,60 S
RTSH Albanien Unterh abends alban PAL 11.576V 6,60 S,V,R
RTVi Romania Unterh 20.3-0 rumaen PAL 11.576V 6,60 S
CTV Vaticano Religi. vorm ital PAL 11.576V 6,60 S
Newlife/Miracle Bildung fr-sa ara/eng PAL 11.576V 6,60/7,02 S
Libya Television Vollp 24h arab PAL 11.617V 6,60 W
TV7 Tunesien Unterh 24h arab PAL 11.658V 6,60 W,V,R
ENEX Feeds diverse sporad mehrsp MPEG2 diverse digital
* codiert/encrypted
(*) codiert, zeitweise clear windows/encrypted, partly clear windows
V teletext
R radio
W widebeam-transponder
S superbeam-transponder
Transponder line-up EUTELSAT II-F3, 16 degrees E - Radio -
(up-date 26/5/97)
Programm Sparte Sprache bei TV Tv-QRG Audio Note Zeit
Rad. Qatar Vollp arab JSC 11.080H 7,00 S 14-10h
Hrvatska Radyo Vollp kroat HRT 10.987H 7,02 S 17-0.3h
Kossuth Radio Infos ungar DunaTV 11.596H 7,02 W
Petoefi Kultur ungar DunaTV 11.596H 7,38 W
Eurosport Ung. TV-Ton ungar DunaTV 11.596H 7,74 W
RTM Infos arab RTM 10.972V 7,02 W
RTM Int/Rabat Infos arab RTM 10.972V 7,38 W
RTM (Berber) Vollp arab RTM 10.972V 7,56 W
Radio 1 Vollp arab TV Alg. 11.095V 7,02 S
Radio 2 Vollp arab TV Alg. 11.095V 7,20 S
La Chaine 3 Vollp ara/fra TV Alg. 11.095V 7,38 S
Ra. Al. Culture Kultur arab TV Alg. 11.095V 7,56 S
unknown radio diverse diverse TV Alg. 11.095V 7,74 S
Voi. of Arabs Vollp arab ESC 11.178V 7,02 W
Gr. Cairo Rad. Vollp arab ESC 11.178V 7,20 W
Midd. Ea. Stat. Folkl. arab ESC 11.178V 7,38 W
ERTU Culture Kultur arab ESC 11.178V 7,56 W
Radio Tirana Unterh alban TVSH 11.576V 7,20 S 18.3-20.3h
RTT Internat. Infos mehrsp TV7 Tu. 11.658V 7,02 W
RTT Tunesia Unterh arab TV7 Tu. 11.658V 7,20 W
* Informationen & Meldungen zu den Transponder NEWS sowie An-
fragen zum Sat-Empfang senden Sie an die nachfolgende Adresse
* Information, suggestions to the Transponder NEWS and questions
about the satellite-reception send to
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* For the permisson of commercial utilization (for example reprints ect.)
send a letter to DXStefan@aol.com or Stefan.Hagedorn@inorbit.com
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Latest DX-Snapshots: http://www.sat-tv.com
Transponder NEWS: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/hagedorn
This piece of news is from sat-stefan-tab provided by TELE satellit
(c) 1997 by editor
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