POSSIBLY Incomplete Message: MPEG-2 Frequenzen TV, Stand 10.4.98
Frequenzliste MPEG-2 Pakete u. Feeds
(Stand 11.04.1998) Norbert Schlammer, Tel.: 030/63979152
Thaicom 2/3, 78,5°E
Anbieter Kennung Frequ Pol Besondh. Spr. cd Symb FEC Tr. Øcm
Thaicom Service 1)* 3600,00 H Thai tv5. Global Network thai 26,666 3/4 180
Thaicom Service 2)* 3600,00 H Balkentestbild 26,666 3/4 180
Thaicom Service 3)* 3600,00 H 26,666 3/4 180
Thaicom Service 4)* 3600,00 H Schwarz/Weiß Streifentestbild 26,666 3/4 180
Thaicom Service 5)* 3600,00 H Streifentestbild 26,666 3/4 180
Thaicom Service 6)* 3600,00 H Streifentestbild 26,666 3/4 180
Thaicom Service 7)* 3600,00 H Balkentestbild 26,666 3/4 180
Thaicom Service 8)* 3600,00 H Balkentestbild 26,666 3/4 180
REUTERS1 3636,00 H Übersp. Sporad. O-Ton/eng 5,632 3/4 180
UTV MCOT P 8)* 3880,00 H 27,500 3/4 410
UTV MCOT P 7)* 3880,00 H Channel V Thailand thai 27,500 3/4 410
UTV MCOT P 3)* 3880,00 H 27,500 3/4 410
UTV MCOT P 4)* 3880,00 H U News MCOT Tape, Nachrichtenkanal thai 27,500 3/4 410
UTV MCOT P 1)* 3880,00 H 27,500 3/4 410
UTV MCOT P 2)* 3880,00 H 27,500 3/4 410
UTV MCOT P 6)* 3880,00 H UTV Sports thai/eng 27,500 3/4 410
UTV MCOT P 5)* 3880,00 H Dia 27,500 3/4 410
UTV MCOT P 1)* 3920,00 H Channel 3 thai/O-T 27,500 3/4 510
UTV MCOT P 2)* 3920,00 H Channel 7 thai/O-T 27,500 3/4 510
UTV MCOT P 3)* 3920,00 H Channel 5 thai/O-T 27,500 3/4 510
UTV MCOT P 4)* 3920,00 H Channel 9 thai/O-T 27,500 3/4 510
UTV MCOT P 5)* 3920,00 H iTV Show thai/O-T 27,500 3/4 510
UTV MCOT P 6)* 3920,00 H Channel 11 thai/O-T 27,500 3/4 510
UTV MCOT P7)* 3920,00 H Discovery Channel thai/O-T 27,500 3/4 510
UTV MCOT P 8)* 3920,00 H MCOT UTV Show thai/O-T 27,500 3/4 510
Apstar 2R, 76,5°E
Anbieter Kennung Frequ Pol Besondh. Spr. cd Symb FEC Tr. Øcm
CH.2 Singna 3757,00 H ? chin x 6,110 3/4 150
Middle East Channel)* 3880,00 H Disney Channel eng x 28,125 5/6 150
Taiwan Channel)* 3880,00 H ? chin x 28,125 5/6 150
DEFAULT PROV AXN Taiwan)* 3920,00 H Vollp. chin x 28,340 7/8 120
DEFAULT PROV AXN Rest of Asia)* 3920,00 H Vollp. chin x 28,340 7/8 120
DEFAULT PROV AXN ROA NTSC)* 3920,00 H Vollp. chin x 28,340 7/8 120
DEFAULT PROV ch)* 3920,00 H Tests chin x 28,340 7/8 120
DEFAULT PROV Chinese Channel)* 3920,00 H Vollp. chin x 28,340 7/8 120
DEFAULT PROV Thai Channel)* 3920,00 H Vollp. thai x 28,340 7/8 120
DEFAULT PROV DCP Software Download)* 3920,00 H ? x 28,340 7/8 120
DEFAULT PROV CCP Sofware Donwload)* 3920,00 H ? x 28,340 7/8 120
DEFAULT PROV qu)* 3920,00 H ? x 28,340 7/8 120
Pan. 4, 68,4°E
Anbieter Kennung Frequ Pol Besondh. Spr. cd Symb FEC Tr. Øcm
MCK MNE 3716,50 V ? ? x 20,600 3/4 180
MCK MNW 3716,50 V ? ? x 20,600 3/4 180
MCK TMMC 3716,50 V ? ? x 20,600 3/4 180
MCK SS 3716,50 V SuperSport eng x 20,600 3/4 180
MCK KTV 3716,50 V Kuwait TV arab x 20,600 3/4 180
MCK ART 3716,50 V ART Africa arab x 20,600 3/4 180
MCK ESPN 4086,50 V Sportkanal eng x 20,600 3/4 180
MCK Disc 4086,50 V Discovery eng x 20,600 3/4 180
MCK VH1 4086,50 V Musikkanal eng x 20,600 3/4 180
MCK Cart 4086,50 V Cartoon Network (tags) eng x 20,600 3/4 180
MCK TNT 4086,50 V TNT, Spielfilmkanal (nachts) eng x 20,600 3/4 180
MCK Hall 4086,50 V Unterhaltungskanal eng x 20,600 3/4 180
MCK BBC 4086,50 V BBC News eng x 20,600 3/4 180
MCK CNN 3743,40 V Nachrichtenkanal eng x 20,600 3/4 180
MCK TV5 3743,40 V Vollp. franz x 20,600 3/4 180
MCK ZEE 3743,40 V Zee TV (Asian) chin x 20,600 3/4 180
MCK SPTK 3743,40 V Racing eng x 20,600 3/4 180
MCK ChO 3743,40 V Channel O - Sound Television eng 20,600 3/4 180
MCK Soap 3743,40 V The Soap Channel eng x 20,600 3/4 180
MCK C+H 3743,40 V ? franz x 20,600 3/4 180
MCK Serie 3743,40 V ? eng x 20,600 3/4 180
MCK SS2 4113,50 V SuperSport Gold eng x 20,600 3/4 180
MCK CCTV 4113,50 V CCTV-4 China Central Television chin/eng 20,600 3/4 180
MCK Carl 4113,50 V Carlton, Vollp. eng x 20,600 3/4 180
MCK Travl 4113,50 V Reisekanal eng x 20,600 3/4 180
MCK Bloom 4113,50 V Bloomberg Information TV eng x 20,600 3/4 180
MCK Rhem 4113,50 V Rhema Network eng x 20,600 3/4 180
MCK Futur 4113,50 V Future Channel eng x 20,600 3/4 180
MCK Futur 4113,50 V Future Channel eng x 20,600 3/4 180
MCK Sky 4113,50 V Sky News eng x 20,600 3/4 180
? channel 3716,00 H CCTV-4 China Central Television chin/eng 19,950 3/4 410
? channel 3716,00 H CCTV-3, Kulturkanal chin 19,950 3/4 410
? channel 3716,00 H CCTV 9 chin/eng 19,950 3/4 410
? channel 3716,00 H Balkentestbild, Übersp. sporad. chin/eng 19,950 3/4 410
? channel 3716,00 H Übersp. sporad. chin/eng 19,950 3/4 410
? channel 3716,00 H Übersp. sporad. chin/eng 19,950 3/4 410
Showtime Network TMC 11464,00 H franz x 19,638 7/8 240
Showtime Network N/P 11464,00 H eng x 19,638 7/8 240
Showtime Network TVL 11464,00 H eng x 19,638 7/8 240
Showtime Network MTV 11464,00 H eng x 19,638 7/8 240
Showtime Network VH-1 11464,00 H eng x 19,638 7/8 240
Showtime Network BTV 11464,00 H eng x 19,638 7/8 240
Showtime Network ART5 11524,00 H arab x 19,638 7/8 240
Showtime Network ART2 11524,00 H arab x 19,638 7/8 240
Showtime Network LBC 11524,00 H arab x 19,638 7/8 240
Showtime Network FUT 11524,00 H arab x 19,638 7/8 240
Showtime Network MCM 11524,00 H franz x 19,638 7/8 240
Showtime Network MNE 11524,00 H arab x 19,638 7/8 240
Showtime Network ART6 11524,00 H arab 19,638 7/8 240
Showtime Network STY 11584,00 H eng x 19,638 7/8 240
Showtime Network DSC 11584,00 H eng x 19,638 7/8 240
Showtime Network FUT1 11584,00 H arab 19,638 7/8 240
Showtime Network FUT2 11584,00 H arab x 19,638 7/8 240
Showtime Network ONTV 11584,00 H eng 19,638 7/8 240
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