
[SAT-UK-CLUB]: UK Horizons on Astra 1E

Just to let you know (for anyone who hasn't noticed) that on the UKTV
Preview channel (Astra 1E  10.818V) there is a note at the bottom of the
screen saying +ACI-From Monday watch UK Horizons here from 7am-1am+ACI-.  I called
UKTV to find out more and I was told that the channel will (according to the
nice woman) be free to air, but the other two channels will not be available
Not even on a preview.
 TV Palace:the Television and Radio Links Site
 http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/+AH4-smorga  or  http://Fast.to/tvpalace
 TV Palace:the Television and Radio Software Site
 http://www.geocities.com/TelevisionCity/5413  or  http://Fast.to/software
 ICQ UIN : 1181342

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