
[SAT-UK-TAB] Astra 1F - 31/07/98

Sat-UK-Tab - 31/07/98
For assistance, email dominic@bigrp.demon.co.uk

19.2°E  Astra 1F

Absolutely all contents as they are ©1998 Dominic Sedghi. Unauthorized
reproduction is prohibited by international law.
                                           19.2°E: ASTRA 1F
                                 European Beams - 60cm Dish (South UK)

Frequency  Channels                      PIDs (Dec.)     Standard  Encryption     Language  Other Info
=========  ========                      ===========     ========  ==========     ========  ==========
12.070 H   DF 1                          SR27500 FEC3/4  MPEG-2    IRDETO
           DSF Action                    V0255 - A0256 - S25       [enc]          German    24h
           Herz & Co.                    V0511 - A0512 - S26       [enc]          German    24h
           Discovery Channel (Germany)   V1023 - A1024 - S27       [enc]          German    24h
           Classica                      V2047 - A2047 - S18       [enc]          German    24h
           ® Country                             A0304 - S144      [enc]                    24h
           ® New Country                         A0352 - S145      [enc]                    24h
           ® Latin                               A0400 - S146      [enc]                    24h
           ® Symphonic                           A0560 - S147      [enc]                    24h
           ® Klassik                             A0608 - S148      [enc]                    24h
           ® Opera                               A0656 - S149      [enc]                    24h
12.090 V   DF 1                          SR27500 FEC3/4  MPEG-2    IRDETO
           Seasons                       V0255 - A0256 - S33       [enc]          German    24h
           Planet                        V0511 - A0512 - S36       [enc]          German    24h
           Cine Classics 1               V0767 - A0768 - S38       [enc]          German    24h
           Cinedom 5 (1)                 V1023 - A1024 - S184      [enc]          German    24h
           Cinedom 5 (2)                 V1279 - A1280 - S185      [enc]          German    24h
           Cine Classics 2               V1535 - A1536 - S39       [enc]          German    24h
           Cinedom 6 (1)                 V1791 - A1792 - S186      [enc]          German    24h
12.110 H
12.129 V   CANAL SATELLITE               SR27500 FEC3/4  MPEG-2    Mediaguard/Viaccess
           Kiosque                       V0160 - A0080             [enc]          French    24h
           Kiosque 9                     V0161 - A0084             [enc]          French    24h
           Kiosque 6                     V0163 - A0088             [enc]          French    24h
           Kiosque 7                     V0163 - A0092             [enc]          French    24h
           Kiosque 8                     V0164 - A0096             [enc]          French    24h
           France Courses                V0165 - A0100             [enc]          French    24h
           ® Hector                              A0236             [clear]        French    24h
           ® France Musique                      A0237             [clear]        French    24h
           ® Elisa                               A0238             [clear]        French    24h
           ® FIP                                 A0239             [clear]        French    24h
           ® France Info                         A0240             [clear]        French    24h
           ® France Inter                        A0241             [clear]        French    24h
           ® France Culture                      A0242             [clear]        French    24h
           ® Radio Bleue                         A0243             [clear]        French    24h
           ® RFI                                 A0244             [clear]        French    24h
           ® Radio Classique                     A0245             [clear]        French    24h
           ® RTL Radio                           A0246             [clear]        French    24h
           ® Europe 1                            A0247             [clear]        French    24h
           ® Radio Monte Carlo                   A0248             [clear]        French    24h
           ® Rire et Chansons                    A0249             [clear]        French    24h
           ® Sud Radio                           A0250             [clear]        French    24h
           ® Monmartre FM                        A0251             [clear]        French    24h
           ® Sport O'FM                          A0252             [clear]        French    24h
12.148 H   DF 1                          SR27500 FEC3/4  MPEG-2    IRDETO
           Cinedom 5 (1)                 V0255 - A0256 - S184      [enc]          German    24h
           Cinedom 5 (2)                 V0511 - A0512 - S185      [enc]          German    24h
           Cinedom 6 (1)                 V0767 - A0768 - S186      [enc]          German    24h
           Cinedom 6 (2)                 V1023 - A1024 - S187      [enc]          German    24h
           Cinedom 7 (1)                 V1279 - A1280 - S188      [enc]          German    24h
           Cinedom 7 (2)                 V1535 - A1536 - S189      [enc]          German    24h
12.168 V   Astra Vision                  SR27500 FEC3/4  MPEG-2    Clear
           [E]                           V0168 - A0144             [clear]        English   24h
           [D]                           V0168 - A0145             [clear]        German    24h
           [F]                           V0168 - A0146             [clear]        French    24h
           [Sp]                          V0168 - A0147             [clear]        Spanish   24h
12.188 H   RADIO TÉLÉVISION LUXEMBOURG   SR27500 FEC3/4  MPEG-2    Cryptoworks
           RTL TV (Switzerland)          V0160 - A0080 - S12000    [enc]          German    24h
           RTL TV (Austria)              V0161 - A0084 - S12001    [enc]          German    24h
           RTL TV                        V0162 - A0088 - S12003    [clear]        German    24h/TT
           ® RTL Die Größten Oldies              A0081 - S12010    [clear]        German    24h
12.207 V   CANAL SATELLITE               SR27500 FEC3/4  MPEG-2    Mediaguard/Viaccess
           La Cinquième                  V0160 - A0080             [clear]        French    24h
           Kiosque 1                     V0161 - A0084             [enc]          French    24h
           Kiosque 10                    V0162 - A0088             [enc]          French    24h
           NTV International (Russia)    V0163 - A0092             [enc]          French    24h
           Nostalgie la Télé             V0164 - A0096             [enc]          French    24h
           arte                          V0165 - A0100             [clear]        French    24h/TT
           Euronews [F]                  V0167 - A0108             [clear]        French    24h
           Euronews [E]                  V0167 - A0109             [clear]        English   24h
           Euronews [I]                  V0167 - A0110             [clear]        Italian   24h
           Euronews [Sp]                 V0167 - A0111             [clear]        Spanish   24h
           ® Radio NRJ                           A0236             [clear]        French    24h
           ® Europe 2                            A0237             [clear]        French    24h
           ® RTL 2                               A0238             [clear]        French    24h
           ® SkyRock                             A0239             [clear]        French    24h
           ® Fun Radio                           A0240             [clear]        French    24h
           ® Le Mouv'                            A0241             [clear]        French    24h
           ® Radio Nova                          A0242             [clear]        French    24h
           ® Radio FG                            A0243             [clear]        French    24h
           ® Vibration                           A0244             [clear]        French    24h
           ® Contact FM                          A0245             [clear]        French    24h
           ® Radio Nostalgie                     A0246             [clear]        French    24h
           ® Latina 99                           A0247             [clear]        French    24h
           ® RFM                                 A0248             [clear]        French    24h
           ® Chérie FM                           A0249             [clear]        French    24h
           ® Alouette FM                         A0250             [clear]        French    24h
           ® Voltage FM                          A0251             [clear]        French    24h
           ® Oui FM                              A0252             [clear]        French    24h
           ® Ado FM                              A0253             [clear]        French    24h
           ® Paris Jazz                          A0254             [clear]        French    24h
12.226 H   DF-1                          SR27500 FEC3/4  MPEG-2    IRDETO
           D-box Channel                 V0511 - A0512 - S769      [clear]        German    24h
           BetaBC                        V0767 - A0768 - S770      [enc]          German    24h
12.246 V   CANAL SATÉLITE DIGITAL        SR27500 FEC3/4  MPEG-2    Mediaguard
           Cine Tívoli                   V0160 - A0080             [enc]          Spanish   24h
           Taquilla 6                    V0161 - A0084             [enc]          Spanish   24h
           Taquilla 7                    V0162 - A0088             [enc]          Spanish   24h
           Taquilla 8                    V0163 - A0092             [enc]          Spanish   24h
           EuroSport                     V0164 - A0096             [enc]          Spanish   24h/TT
           Estilo                        V0165 - A0100             [enc]          Spanish   24h
           Viajar                        V0166 - A0104             [clear]        Spanish   24h
           Álbum TV                      V0167 - A0108             [enc]          Spanish   24h
12.266 H   ABSAT                         SR27500 FEC3/4  MPEG-2    Viaccess/Mediaguard
           ABSat Promotional             V0160 - A0080 - S17000    [clear]        French    24h
           AB Channel 1                  V0161 - A0084 - S17001    [enc]          French    24h
           Animaux                       V0162 - A0088 - S17002    [enc]          French    24h
           Encyclopédia                  V0163 - A0092 - S17003    [enc]          French    24h
           Automobile                    V0164 - A0096 - S17004    [enc]          French    ??
           XXL                             "   -   "   -   "       [enc]          French    00-04
           Escales                       V0165 - A0100 - S17005    [enc]          French    24h
           Histoire                      V0166 - A0104 - S17006    [enc]          French    ??
           Viva la Vie                     "   -   "   -   "       [enc]          French    ??
           AB Sports                     V0167 - A0108 - S17007    [enc]          French    24h
           Nostalgie la Télé             V0168 - A0112 - S17008    [enc]          French    ??
12.285 V   CANAL SATÉLITE DIGITAL        SR27500 FEC3/4  MPEG-2    Mediaguard
           Documanía                     V0160 - A0080             [enc]          Spanish   24h
           Minimax                       V0161 - A0084             [enc]          Spanish   24h
           CNBC-NBC [E]                  V0162 - A0088             [clear]        English   24h
           CNBC-NBC [Sp]                 V0162 - A0089             [clear]        Spanish   24h
           Cine Classics                 V0163 - A0092             [enc]          Spanish   24h
           Seasons                       V0164 - A0096             [enc]          Spanish   24h
           Taquilla 0                    V0165 - A0100             [clear]        Spanish   24h
           Taquilla 1                    V0166 - A0104             [enc]          Spanish   24h
           Taquilla 2                    V0167 - A0108             [enc]          Spanish   24h
12.304 H   WIZJA TV                      SR27500 FEC3/4  MPEG-2    Cryptoworks
           Wizja 1                       V0160 - A0080             [enc]          Polish    ??
           Hallmark                      V0161 - A0086 - S20330    [enc]          Polish    24h
           Cartoon Network               V0162 - A0088 - S20332    [enc]          Polish    05-19
           TNT Classic Movies              "   -   "   -   "       [enc]          Polish    19-05
           Fox Kids Network              V0163 - A0090 - S20333    [enc]          Polish    24h
           QuesTV                        V0165 - A0098 - S20335    [enc]          Polish    24h
           Travel                        V0166 - A0104 - S20336    [enc]          Polish    24h
           HBO (Poland)                  V???? - A????             [enc]          Polish    24h
12.324 V   CANAL SATELLITE               SR27500 FEC3/4  MPEG-2    Mediaguard/Viaccess
           Médicine Plus                 V0161 - A0084             [enc]          French    24h
           Canal Satellite Promo         V0171 - A0124             [clear]        French    24h
           ® Galérie Multimusique                A0123             [clear]        French    24h
           ® RFI Musique                         A0237             [clear]        French    24h
           ® Radio Notre Dame                    A0238             [clear]        French    24h
           ® Radio Alpha                         A0239             [clear]        French    24h
           ® Radio Communauté Juive / Radio Shalom A0240           [clear]        French/Hebrew 24h
           ® Beur FM                             A0241             [clear]        French    24h
           ® Média Tropicale                     A0242             [clear]        French    24h
           ® Africa N1                           A0243             [clear]        French    24h
           ® Hector                              A0246             [clear]        French    24h
           ® France Musique                      A0247             [clear]        French    24h
           ® Elisa                               A0248             [clear]        French    24h
           ® France Inter Paris                  A0249             [clear]        French    24h
           ® France Info                         A0250             [clear]        French    24h
           ® France Inter                        A0251             [clear]        French    24h
           ® France Culture                      A0252             [clear]        French    24h
           ® Radio Bleue                         A0253             [clear]        French    24h
           ® RFI - Radio France Int.             A0254             [clear]        French    24h
           ® Radio Classique                     A0255             [clear]        French    24h
           ® RTL                                 A0256             [clear]        French    24h
           ® Monmartre FM                        A0261             [clear]        French    24h
12.334 H   CANAL DIGITAAL                SR27500 FEC3/4  MPEG-2    IRDETO
           Info Channel                  V0517 - A0700             [enc]          Dutch     24h
12.363 V   CANAL SATELLITE               SR27500 FEC3/4  MPEG-2    Mediaguard/Viaccess
           RTM 1 (Morocco)               V0162 - A0096             [clear]        Arabic    24h
           ESC 1                         V0163 - A0104             [clear]        Egyptian  24h
           TV5 Europe                    V0164 - A0112             [clear]        French    24h/TT
           Rai Uno                       V0289 - A0290             [clear]        Italian   24h/TT
           Deutsche Welle TV             V0305 - A0306             [clear]        German    24h
12.382 H   WIZJA TV                      SR27500 FEC3/4  MPEG-2    Cryptoworks
           Twoja Wizja                   V0162 - A0088 - S20302    [enc]          Polish    24h
           Atomic TV                     V0163 - A0090 - S20303    [enc]          Polish    24h
           Wizja Pogoda                  V0164 - A0096 - S20304    [enc]          Polish    05-13
           Romantic                        "   -   "   -    "      [enc]          Polish    13-??
           National Geographic Channel   V0165 - A0098 - S20305    [enc]          Eng/Pol   24h
           BET on Jazz International     V0289 - A0290 - S20300    [enc]          Eng/Pol   24h
12.402 V   CANAL SATELLITE               SR27500 FEC3/4  MPEG-2    Mediaguard/Viaccess
           Demain!                       V0160 - A0080             [enc]          French    24h
           Comédie!                      V0161 - A0084             [enc]          French    24h
           13ème Rue (France)            V0162 - A0088             [enc]          French    24h
           Fashion TV                    V0163 - A0092             [clear]        French    24h
           Fox Kids Network              V0164 - A0096 - S8708     [enc]          French    ??-20
           RFO Sat                         "   -   "   -   "       [enc]          French    20-23
           MCM Afrique                   V0165 - A0100             [enc]          French    24h
           Forum Planète                 V0166 - A0104             [enc]          French    24h
           ® Radio FG                            A0093             [enc]          French    24h
           ® MCE: Opera                          A0237             [enc]                    24h
           ® MCE: Contemporary Jazz              A0238             [enc]                    24h
           ® MCE: Mood Music                     A0239             [enc]                    24h
           ® MCE: 50's/60's Oldies               A0240             [enc]                    24h
           ® MCE: 70's/80's Oldies               A0241             [enc]                    24h
           ® MCE: Soul/Motown                    A0243             [enc]                    24h
           ® MCE: French Contemporary            A0244             [enc]                    24h
           ® MCE: French Chart Hits              A0245             [enc]                    24h
           ® MCE: Light/Keyboard Music           A0246             [enc]                    24h
           ® MCE: Modern Country                 A0247             [enc]                    24h
           ® MCE: Techno/Dance                   A0248             [enc]                    24h
           ® MCE: World Music                    A0249             [enc]                    24h
           ® MCE: Film Music                     A0250             [enc]                    24h
           ® MCE: Rock                           A0251             [enc]                    24h
           ® Classic Maestro                     A1901             [enc]          French    24h
           ® Grand Opera                         A1902             [enc]          French    24h
           ® Fantaisie Baroque                   A1903             [enc]          French    24h
           ® Música de Cúmara                    A1904             [enc]          French    24h
           ® Harmonia Sacra                      A1905             [enc]          French    24h
           ® Música Antigua                      A1906             [enc]          French    24h
           ® Adagio                              A1907             [enc]          French    24h
           ® Festival de Jazz                    A1908             [enc]          French    24h
           ® Jazz Legendario                     A1909             [enc]          French    24h
           ® Jazz Actual                         A1910             [enc]          French    24h
12.422 H   DF 1                          SR27500 FEC3/4  MPEG-2    IRDETO
           Kanal 1 (1)                   V0255 - A0256 - S1026     [enc]          German    24h
           Kanal 1 (2)                   V0511 - A0512 - S1027     [enc]          English   24h
           Kanal 2                       V0767 - A0768 - S1028     [enc]          German    24h
           Kanal 3                       V1023 - A1024 - S1029     [enc]          German    24h
           Kanal 4                       V1279 - A1280 - S1030     [enc]          German    24h
           Kanal 5                       V1535 - A1536 - S1031     [enc]          German    24h
12.441 V   CANAL DIGITAAL                SR27500 FEC3/4  MPEG-2    IRDETO
           Kindernet                     V0522 - A0650             [enc]          Dutch     06-10
           BVN TV                          "   -   "               [clear]        Dutch     18-23/TT
           SBS6                          V0523 - A0651             [enc]          Dutch     24h
           Veronica                      V0524 - A0652             [enc]          Dutch     24h
           TMF - The Music Factory       V0525 - A0653             [enc]          Dutch     24h
           Canal+ 1 (Netherlands)        V0527 - A0655             [enc]          Dutch     24h
           Canal+ 2 (Netherlands)        V0529 - A0657             [enc]          Dutch     24h
           ® Hit Radio Veronica                  A0662             [enc]          Dutch     24h
           ® Radio Nederland                     A0666             [clear]        Dutch     24h
           ® Radio Nederland Int.                A0667             [clear]        Dutch     24h
12.460 H   DF 1                          SR27500 FEC3/4  MPEG-2    IRDETO
           VH-1 (Germany)                V0255 - A0256 - S31       [enc]          German    24h
           BBC Prime                     V0511 - A0512 - S21       [enc]          English   24h
           NBC Europe                    V0767 - A0768 - S34       [enc]          German    24h
           CNBC Europe                   V1023 - A1024 - S35       [enc]          German    24h
           HOT - Home Order Television   V1279 - A1280 - S40       [clear]        German    24h
           DSF Golf                      V1535 - A1536 - S32       [enc]          German    24h
           MTV (Germany)                 V1791 - A1792 - S20       [enc]          German    24h
12.480 V   DF 1                          SR27500 FEC3/4  MPEG-2    IRDETO
           Pro Sieben                    V0255 - A0256 - S898      [enc]          German    24h
           Kabel 1                       V0511 - A0512 - S899      [enc]          German    24h
           Sat.1                         V0767 - A0768 - S897      [enc]          German    24h
           DSF - Deutsches Sportfernsehen V1023 - A1024 - S900     [enc]          German    24h

TV Vandaag on 12.344 H has ceased.
98 Radio France has left 12.129 V and 12.324 V, MPEG-2.
Africa N1 is on 12.324 V, MPEG-2/Clear, A0243.
Nederland 1-3 and Radio 1-5 have left 12.344 H, MPEG-2.
Nostalgie la Télé has started on 12.266 H, MPEG-2/Viaccess/Mediguard.
Wizja 1 and HBO (Poland) have started on 12.304 H, MPEG-2/Cryptoworks.
Wizja Pogoda is on 12.304 H, MPEG-2/Cryptworks.
DF 1 has altered its programme line-up.

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