
Sat-UK Updates

Hiya subscribers,

No weekly updates this Sunday, since there's no news to update you on!

Instead, I'd like to tell you about some changes which have occurred at
Sat-UK Web.
As from now, all digital charts have been abandoned. You can now view
the separate channels, with logos, VPIDs and APIDs on the main charts.
In addition, Telecom 2A, 2B, 2D, Thor, Sirius, TV-Sat 2, Tele-X and
Intelsat 707 have now ALL been given the full chart form. All satellites
must now be access via the main satellite table.
I have removed the "History" and "Channels by Name" sections - they were
not very popular. This will allow for more and better features.

Hope you like the changes,


Dominic Sedghi

Dominic Sedghi, Sat-UK

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