
Sat-UK #189 22.01.98: SATELLITE FESTIVAL

Sat-UK Report #189:
- Satellite Festival over
thursday 22nd january 1997
Email: dsedghi@TELE-Satellite.com OR dominic@bigrp.demon.co.uk
Sat-UK Web: http://www.sat-net.com/sat-uk/
UK Satellite Control: http://www.sat-net.com/uk-satellite/
And now the news:

Well, I finally got my satellite system sorted out! I can now receive
stations above 12,650 GHz again, thankfully - I was beginning to miss
France 3! I just wanna say a big thanx to Malcolm at Smallworld
Satellites, a Sat-UK subscriber, who managed to help sort me out. Nice
to meet someone who uses the service - just shows it's a SMALLWORLD
(sorry...). Everything seems to be working out a-ok and I'm gonna give
PAS 5 a go!

---------- Satellite Festival over

The Satellite Festival on Sirius 2 has finished. The service was
scheduled to finish on Monday, but the test card was shown up until
yesterday. From now on, satellite enthusiasts will have to make do with
dr.dish in German again!

All contents (C) 1998 Dominic Sedghi, except where indicated. All
rights reserved. The above may not be reproduced without written
consent. Information is subject to change and/or may be incorrect.

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