
Sat-UK #201 20.02.98: Astra 1D & HotBird 4

Sat-UK Report #201:
- Astra 1D on its way...
- HotBird 4 launch coming up
friday 20th february 1998
Email: dsedghi@TELE-Satellite.com OR dominic@bigrp.demon.co.uk
Sat-UK Web: http://www.sat-uk.com/
UK Satellite Control: http://www.sat-net.com/uk-satellite/
And now the news:

---------- Astra 1D on its way...
(source: SATCO DX)
Astra 1D has started its journey to 28.2° east, from where it will
broadcast digital television to the United Kingdom. Astra 1E is now
completely handling all channels which were previously on Astra 1D. It
should take about three weeks for Astra 1D to reach its new orbital
position, and transmissions should hopefully recommence in mid-March.

---------- HotBird 4 launch coming up
(source: Arianespace)
Arianespace have confirmed the launch of Eutelsat's fifth satellite for
the 13° east slot, HotBird 4. The satellite will launch in the night
between February 27th and 28th, with a launch window from 22.38 - 00.07
GMT. Coverage of the launch is not yet known, but will probably be
available on Télécom 2C as usual. A list of frequencies for HotBird 4 is
already available at Sat-UK-Web:
http://www.sat-uk.com/sats/eutelhb4.html .

All contents (C) 1998 Dominic Sedghi, except where indicated. All
rights reserved. Contents may be reproduced providing the following
is included: "Provided by Sat-UK - www.sat-uk.com/".
Information is subject to change and/or may be incorrect.

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