
Sat-UK-News #252 21.05.98: Knowledge TV International

Sat-UK-News Report #252:
- Knowledge TV to reduce transmissions
Thursday 21.05.98
Email: dsedghi@TELE-Satellite.com OR dominic@bigrp.demon.co.uk
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And now the news:

---------- Knowledge TV to reduce transmissions
 Knowledge TV fans will probably be well aware that the channel is
broadcast not only on Astra 1F, but also on Orion 1, and in the clear.
There are currently three feeds for Knowledge TV on Orion 1. Two feeds
are directed mainly at New York, but can be received in Europe, and
carry Knowledge TV International; they are on 11.554 H and 11.687 H. The
final feed, on 11.622 V, carries Knowledge TV Europe; this feed will be
encrypted in six months or so. As for the others, well they're going
soon. The American feeds are due to shut down on May 29th, leaving only
the feed on 11.622 V. Knowledge TV will still be available on Astra 1F
in the Wizja TV package, but will be encrypted in Mediguard. Shame -
Knowledge TV is one of my fave channels. Then again, there's always the
chance of an inclusion in Sky Digital, I suppose...

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rights reserved. Contents may be reproduced providing the following
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Information is subject to change and/or may be incorrect.

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