
Sat-UK-News #264 15.06.98: Intelsat 805

Sat-UK-News Report #264:
- Intelsat 805 launch tonight
Monday 15.06.98
Email: dsedghi@TELE-Satellite.com OR dominic@bigrp.demon.co.uk
UK Satellite Control: http://www.sat-net.com/uk-satellite/
And now the news:

---------- Intelsat 805 launch tonight
 Tonight sees the launch of Intelsat 805, which will positioned at 33 degrees east in order to take
over from two of Intelsat's older satellites, i505 and i510. i805 will feature 3 Ku-band
transponders and 28 C-band transponders, beaming occasional feeds as well as full-blown channels.
The launch window is from 23.48 BST, but there is currently no frequency confirmed for launch
coverage. Keep looking around and you're bound to find something!

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