
SATCO DX 960326 - flash

Tonight, SATCO DX was updated with a lot of new channels as well as SATCO
DX's first S band channels and three new satellites.

Here is a copy of the mail, which was sent out to all contributors tonight.

SATCO DX is now listing S band channels and TV channels on three new
(The S band is treated as C band in the chart shortcuts and index pages)

Here are all the S band channels (receivable from Greece):
DD 2, India on Insat 2B: 2,575 H
DD 9, India on Insat 2B: 2,620 H
DD 13, India on Insat 2A: 2,620 H
DD ?, India on Insat 1D: 2,620 H
MBC on Arabsat 1C: 2,635 V

The three newly added satellites:
Insat 2A at 74,0E
Insat 1D at 83,0E
PAS 3R at 43,0W

Other news:
WorldNet/C-SPAN/Deutsche Welle on Intelsat 704 has changed transponder from
4,177 R to 4,013 R

France Info, France Inter and France Culture Europe on Hot Bird 1 have a common
home page at http://www.iway.fr/radio-france/html/rf_les_chaines.html

MCM Euromusique on Hot Bird 1 has teletext service

TV Bryza on Hot Bird 1: 11,431 H (PolSat tp), 02.00-, inverted PAL

TRT International on Turksat 1B: 11,470 V, Asian beam

Additions on Intelsat 601:
TPA, Angola on 3,800 L and NTA, Nigeria on 4,065 L

ESPN on PAS 3R: 4,109 H, B-MAC

RFO on Ekspress 2: 3,825 R

mTh - multiThématiques (trailer) on Astra 1E: 11,817 V (tp 70), MPEG-2

Best Regards,

Christian Lyngemark                     Tel: +46-(0)42-29 11 72
Kummelgatan 162                         Fax: +46-(0)431-102 69
253 60  HELSINGBORG                     GSM: +46-(0)70-731 38 48
--- Private:                            --- SATCO DX:
lynge@bastad.se                         lynge@sat-city.com
http://www.bastad.se/~lynge             http://www.sat-city.com/

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