
SATCO DX Satellite Chart - Galaxy 9 news

The top story today is that the recently launched Galaxy 9 (G9) has
started its transmissions at 123W. Here is the current channel list:

3,980 H (tp 14): Sundance East (new channel!)
4,000 V (tp 15): Showtime East
4,040 V (tp 17): Nickelodeon West
4,060 H (tp 18): The Movie Channel West
4,080 V (tp 19): MTV West
All in NTSC, VC2+

If you have any further news about this satellite (or any
other satellites), you are very welcome to send a mail to:

Christian Lyngemark      - webmaster@satcodx.com
SATCO DX Satellite Chart - http://www.satcodx.com/

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