
SATCO DX Satellite Chart - Updates 28 April-4 May

SATCO DX Satellite Chart - Updates 28 April-4 May

This is a summary of last week's updates to the service.
More details are available at http://www.satcodx.com/

=== EUROPE:  http://www.satcodx.com/chart1.shtml
--- Eutelsat II f1:  http://www.satcodx.com/e2f1.html
The complete AB Sat package is back on 11,678 H/12,521 H, MPEG-2

--- Live audio:
Radio Finland is in RealAudio on

--- Home pages:
Polsat 2 at http://www.tg.com.pl/polsat/2/
NAK - Neuapostolische Kirche at http://www.nak.org/

=== MIDDLE EAST:  http://www.satcodx.com/chart1.shtml
--- PAS 4:  http://www.satcodx.com/pas4.html
Sat 7 is on 4,035 H as well as on Eutelsat II f3

--- Intelsat 801:  http://www.satcodx.com/i801.html
Intelsat 801 began moving away from 47 East on 25 April
and is currently at 62 East, still moving towards 64 East.

--- Home pages:
InterStar at http://www.star.com.tr/star/
Kral TV at http://www.star.com.tr/kral/

=== ASIA:  http://www.satcodx.com/chart3.shtml
--- Gorizont 30 at 142.5E:  http://www.satcodx.com/g30.html
Channel 3 (Laos) has left 3,775 L

--- Thaicom 3:  http://www.satcodx.com/thai3.html
Thaicom 3 is currently testing at 120 East, will replace
Thaicom 1 at 78.5 East after successful tests.

--- Thaicom 1:  http://www.satcodx.com/thai78east.html
UTV MCTO package has started on Thaicom 1: 3,880 H/3,920 H,
MPEG, SR 27500, FEC 3/4, line-up:
3,880 H: MCOT Channel 9, The Discovery Channel, HSTV Channel 3,
         TNT, Cartoon Network, Star Sports and BBTV Channel 7.
3,920 H: CNN International, TTV, ESPN, AEN, Army TV Channel 5
         and ITV.
All channels are in clear at the moment!
A special digital chart has been created for these channels,
available at http://www.satcodx.com/dig/utvmcto.html

--- Home pages:
CTN 2 - Chinese TV Network at http://www.ctnusa.aan.net/ctn2.htm
MTV Asia at http://www.mtvasia.com/

=== NORTH AMERICA:  http://www.satcodx.com/chart2.shtml
--- Orion 1:  http://www.satcodx.com/o1.html
SST - Serbian Satellite TV has left 11,868 H, North American beam

--- GE 2:  http://www.satcodx.com/ge2.html
A complete update for the Primestar package on GE 2,
with the addition of all the new recently launched channels!
Please take a look at http://www.satcodx.com/dig/primestar.html
for more details.

--- Galaxy 7:  http://www.satcodx.com/g7.html
Outdoor Life and CBS Eye on People have started on 3,880 H
(G7-09), PowerVu

--- Morelos 2:  http://www.satcodx.com/m2.html
XEIPN - TV Once has started on 4,040 H (M2-17), Digicipher 1

--- Home pages:
Knowledge Network (Canada) at http://www.ola.bc.ca/knowledge/
KOIN-TV at http://www.koin.com/
WUSA-TV at http://www.wusatv.com/

=== LAUNCHES:  http://www.satcodx.com/launches.html
Thor 2A will be launched on 11 May, at 22.40 UTC.

Insat 2D, to launch with Ariane V97, has been
rescheduled from 29 May to 3 June.

Sirius 2 has been delayed to 28 August.

The launch of PAS 6 has been rescheduled from 13 May
to late this summer.

Thaicom 4 is now scheduled for a 1998 launch and will
be co-located with Thaicom 1 at 120 East.

=== Feeds at SATCO DX:
Occasional feeds will start being added to the charts in North
and South America on Wednesday, and in the near future, in the
rest of the world!
If you want to send in any "feed contributions", please ask for
the rules first, since they are currently under development...
The rules will be presented on the "Contributions" page when

=== Sat TV Directory search capabilites:
If you want to know for example all TV stations in Los Angeles, or
any other search criteria, there is now a great opportunity for you!
Please visit http://www.sat-tv.com/cgi-bin/sat-tv-directory.cgi
and enter any search criteria you want, then press "Search"...

All information in that address database is linked from the SATCO DX
charts, with an "A" to the right of the name of the TV/radio channel.

Best Regards,
Christian Lyngemark                 SATCO DX Satellite Chart
Christian@Lyngemark.com             webmaster@satcodx.com
http://www.lyngemark.com/           http://www.satcodx.com/

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