
SATCO DX 970620 - Thor 2 special

Due to to enormous interest in Thor 2, this Daily SATCO DX
Update mail is also sent out to all the 2.400 subscribers to
the Weekly Update mails, as a special bonus!

--- Headlines:
* Complete line-up for 21 ISkyB channels on PAS 4
* Vijay TV on Intelsat 704 is on spot beam
* DF 1 restructuring and adding 5 new channels
* Thor 2 - the first transmissions!
* Thor 2 - all reports in brief
* Thor 2 - polarization change
* Thor 2 - reception reports
* Complete line-up for 74 Sky Mexico channels on SD 2
* Revised Atlas launch schedule - Echostar 3 delayed

--- JCSAT 3:  http://www.satcodx.com/jc3.html
The test card on 4,080 V has ceased.
(Steven P)

--- PAS 4:  http://www.satcodx.com/pas4.html
21 TV channels in the ISkyB package are now transmitting!
The complete line-up is available at
(A Nasheed - thanks!)

--- Intelsat 604 at 66E:  http://www.satcodx.com/i604.html
>Does anyone know if Vijay TV still is on 4,180 R?
>Maybe it's on the spot beam instead of global?

From the reports received today from various locations, it's
obvious that Vijay TV is on the spot A beam and not on the
global beam.
Thanks to U Blass, A Nasheed, S Hammad, P Poole and H Room
for solving this question!

The report from H Room solved another question:
ETV - Eanadhu TV on 4,060 L is obviously on the NE zone beam.

--- Astra:  http://www.satcodx.com/astra.html
DF 1 has made a major restructuring of its package and
moved around channels between their transponders.
Five channels have also been added to the package:
Seasons, Planet, CineClassics 1, CineClassics 2 and DSF Action.
The complete line-up is at http://www.satcodx.com/dig/df1.html
(J Robinson - thanks!)

The content provider for the IC Radio Network channels
are Satellite Communication Europe GmbH, home page at
For a listing of the actual music content in real time,
see http://www.sce.de/cgi-bin/showplay.cgi
Channels 1-4 are music and 5-6 are advertising.
(D Binette)

Le Mouv' has a home page at http://www.radio-france.fr/nouveau/
(J Puig)

--- Eutelsat II f1:  http://www.satcodx.com/e2f1.html
Histoire (enc.) has replaced Guide on 12,542 V.
(R Eckendorff)

--- Hot Bird 2:  http://www.satcodx.com/hb2.html
CCTV 4 on 11,823 H is in clear, while the other channels in
the Multichoice Hellas package all are encrypted.
(D Shimoni, H Room)

--- Tele-X:  http://www.satcodx.com/telex.html
TVS - Sportskanalen on 12,637 L is only encrypted in Eurocrypt M,
not both M and S2.
(P Goransson)

--- Thor 2:  http://www.satcodx.com/thor2.html
Thor 2 has finally started with regular transmissions today!

- The first transmissions - the true story: (all times in CET)
* 15:45: A "1°W" promo/test card appeared on 11,389 H (tp 12),
         in D2-MAC/clear, identified as "TVS - Sportskanalen".
* 17:45: Turned encrypted in Eurocrypt, but still only a promo/test
         card, even if TVS started tonights programming at 18:00
         as usual on Tele-X and Intelsat 707.
* 23:30: TVS - Sportskanalen put out their own service, at this time
         of the day consisting of a program schedule with music.
(summary from various reports during the evening)

- All reports in brief, as they arrived, both right AND wrong info:
15:58: Promo in D2-MAC on tp 13 (T Huisman)
15:59: Test pictures in D2-MAC on 11,372 H and 11,403 H (K Choukri)
16:20: TVS test card on 11,389 H (MarZ)
16:35: TVS test card on 11,389 V (L Karlsson)
16:36: "1°W" test card on 11,379 H, tp 11 (K-J Grahn)
17:10: Test card on 11,389, D2-MAC (P Goransson)
17:18: Promo in D2-MAC on 11,392 H (T Huisman)
17:21: Test card in D2-MAC on 11,372 H and 11,403 H (K Nilsson)
17:29: TVS test card in D2-MAC on 11,389 H (P Vilborn)
17:33: Promo in D2-MAC on 11,387 H (V Saliy)
17:39: 11,389 H activated (Anonymous)
17:48: Encrypted TVS test card in D2-MAC on 11,389 H (K Nilsson)
17:55: TVS now encrypted in Eurocrypt on 11,383 H (T Boeven)
18:38: Extremely weak signals on 11,387 H in Moscow (Nickolas)
19:11: D2-MAC signal on 11,389 H (G Bregar)
19:19: Promo test card on 11,389 H (J Robinson)
19:33: Test card in D2-MAC on 11,385 H (Euromedia)
20:16: TVS test card in D2-MAC/encrypted on 11,383 H (Sat-UK)
23:39: TVS has finally started on 11,389 H, with teletext (K Nilsson)

- Transponder change:
A lot of people have been confused by the apparent polarization
switch on Thor 2! The polarization on all tps seem to have been
changed, from H to V and from V to H.
That's the conclusion of today's first transmissons on 11,389 H
(not V!), and the recent tp testing on "false" polarization!
The chart has been updated with the assumed new layout.

- Reception reports: (all for 11,389 H)
* Signals received in these cities/areas: (no strengh reported)
  Northern Netherlands, Bonn and Eisweiler (Germany)
  Hallstahammar, Vaxjo, Lulea, Malmo (Sweden), Kiev (Ukraine),
  St. Petersburg (Russia) and Ljubljana (Slovenia).

* Very strong signals in Tallin, Estonia (P Vilborn)

* Extremely weak signals in Moscow, Russia (Nickolas)

--- Telecom 2D:  http://www.satcodx.com/t2b.html
New line-up on 11,493 V, MPEG-2/clear, SR 27500, FEC 3/4:
TV Channel:           VPID: APID:
EuroSport tests       0079  0083
BBC Prime tests       007A  0084
tests                 00A0  0050
(F Gangarossa)

--- Orion 1:  http://www.satcodx.com/o1.html
Jones Computer Network was closed down last month and all
their programming are now on Knowledge TV.
(G Bregar)

--- Galaxy 3R:  http://www.satcodx.com/g3r.html
Venevision has a home page at http://www.venevision.com/
Logotype added for Venevision.
(A Marcoschamer)

--- Solidaridad 2:  http://www.satcodx.com/sd2.html
All the 74 TV channels in the Sky TV Mexico package have been
added to the service today! The complete line-up is available
at http://www.satcodx.com/dig/skymexico.html
(A Marcoschamer - thanks! - the winner today!)

--- Launches:  http://www.satcodx.com/launches.shtml
Here is a revised Atlas launch schedule:
970925: Galaxy 8I    (was: 971118)
971124: Eutelsat W1  (was: 980122)
980126: Echostar 3   (was: 970921)
No change for Superbird C, GE 3 and Sky 2.

--- SatTracker:
As usual on Fridays, all satellites have been updated with
fresh tracker data. Some headlines:
* Insat 2D at 72.5 East, probably moving towards 74 East
* BSAT 1A still moving towards 110 East, at 113 East now
* JCSAT 1 still co-located with JCSAT 4 at 150 East

--- Added links to Sat Address Directory:
Sima-yeh Moghavemat (Vision of Resistance), BET on Jazz,
CTVN - Computer TV Network and MCE - Music Choice Europe.

--- Copyright notice: ----
Everything in this mail is copyrighted by SATCO DX Inc.
and no publication is allowed unless you have permission.

Best Regards,
Christian Lyngemark                 SATCO DX Satellite Chart
Christian@Lyngemark.com             webmaster@satcodx.com
http://www.lyngemark.com/           http://www.satcodx.com/

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