
SATCO DX - Updates 29 September - 5 October

SATCO DX - Updates 29 September - 5 October

This is a summary of the updates at SATCO DX last week.
More information and current satellite listings are available
on SATCO DX Satellite Chart at http://www.satcodx.com/

Don't forget the Search Engine announcement in this mail!

=== EUROPE:  http://www.satcodx.com/chart1.shtml
--- Astra 1F:  http://www.satcodx.com/astra1f.html
Premiere package has left 12,110 H (tp 85), MPEG-2.

--- Eutelsat II f3:  http://www.satcodx.com/e2f3.html
TV Nowa has replaced TV Wisla on 11,060 H, MPEG-2,
SR 5632, FEC 3/4.

--- Eutelsat II f1:
Fashion TV and Animal Planet are sharing 11,055 H on
an irregular basis until 15 October.

TV Nowa (Poland) has started on 12,567 H, MPEG-2,
SR 5632, FEC 3/4,

--- Hot Bird 2:  http://www.satcodx.com/hb2.html
RAISat 2 has started on 11,804 V, MPEG-2/clear.

--- Hot Bird 3:  http://www.satcodx.com/hb3.html
On 30 Sep., 22:45 CET, MTV 2 (Hungary) started regular
transmissions on 12,130 H, PAL/clear, 6,50 MHz, Hungarian,
teletext service: KEPUJSAG, http://www.teletext.hu/
home page: http://www.mtv.hu/

A Swiss package started on 3 October on 12,399 H, wide beam,
MPEG-2/Viaccess, SR 27500, FEC 3/4, line-up:
00A0/0050: SF 1  (German)
00A1/0054: TSR 1 (French)
00A2/0058: TSI 1 (Italian)
00A3/005C: SF 2  (German)
00A4/0060: TSR 2 (French)
     00C6: SRI Italiano (radio)
     00C7: SRI Francais (radio)
All TV channels are encrypted, but the radio chanenls are clear.

--- Sirius 1:  http://www.satcodx.com/sirius1.html
Playboy TV has started on 12,015 R, D2-MAC/Eurocrypt M,
00-04 CET.

=== MIDDLE EAST/AFRICA:  http://www.satcodx.com/chart1.shtml
--- PAS 4:  http://www.satcodx.com/pas4.html
1stNet package has left 11,524 H and 11,649 H. They are now
only on Arabsat 2A: 12,563 H and 12,685 H.

--- Intelsat 703 at 57E:  http://www.satcodx.com/i703.html
Bop TV has started on 3,728 R, PAL/IRDETO, West hemi beam.

--- Arabsat 2A:  http://www.satcodx.com/arab2a.html
TV 7 (Tunisia) has replaced Future International in the 1stNet
package on 12,563 H, MPEG-2/clear.

=== ASIA:  http://www.satcodx.com/chart3.shtml
--- PAS 2:
ESPN has switched from B-MAC to MPEG-2/PowerVu on 3,859 V.
ESPN 2 has left 3,707 V in MPEG-2.

--- Palapa C1 at 150.5E:
CNBC has NOT started on Agila 2 as announced in the last
Weekly Update mail. They have started on Palapa C1 instead,
on 4,160 H, PAL/clear.

The Indovision package is on 4,117 H, MPEG-2/NDS, SR 26850,
FEC 7/8, the same line-up as on Palapa C2: 3,580 H.

--- Thaicom 1 at 120E:  http://www.satcodx.com/thai1.html
There is a digital package on 4,120 V, MPEG-2/enc., SR 27500,
FEC 2/3, with this line-up:
HSTV Channel 3, Army TV Channel 5, BBTV Channel 7,
MCOT Channel 9, TVT Channel 11 and ACTO-ITV.

--- Gorizont 27 at 96.5E:
TV Azerbaijana is on 3,875 R, SECAM.

--- Insat 2D at 72.5E:  http://www.satcodx.com/in2d.html
India has abandoned Insat 2D, after it had lost its "earth lock,"
which  directs it towards the earth, stopping the normal
functioning of on-board tps. The decision to abandon it was taken
after it became clear that further recovery was not possible.

=== NORTH AMERICA:  http://www.satcodx.com/chart2.shtml
--- Hispasat 1A/1B:  http://www.satcodx.com/hispa.html
A digital package has replaced Hispavision on 12,015 V,
MPEG-2, SR 27500, FEC 3/4, American beam, line-up:
1010/1011: TVE Internacional
1020/1021: Canal 24 Horas
1030/1031: Hispavision
1040/1041: EuroNews
1050/1051: TVE Internacional

--- Orion 1:  http://www.satcodx.com/orion1.html
ONN - Ohio News Network is on 11,982 H, MPEG-2/clear,
SR 8136, FEC 1/2.

ART America and RAI International are on 12,170 H,
MPEG-2, SR 9500, FEC 3/4.

--- GE 2:  http://www.satcodx.com/ge2.html
Kuwait TV has started on 3,820 H (W2-06), NTSC/clear.

--- Spacenet 3R:  http://www.satcodx.com/sn3r.html
On 30 September, Spacenet 3R was deactivated at 87 West.
It will be relocated to 83 West, which will take 30 days
to complete.

--- GE 3:  http://www.satcodx.com/ge3.html
On 30 September, GE 3 was activated at 87 West.
The line-up is *almost* the same as previously on S3.
For more and updated info, see the GE 3 chart.

--- Anik E2:  http://www.satcodx.com/ae2.html
Global TV left 3,860 V (E2-08).

--- Galaxy 9:  http://www.satcodx.com/g9.html
CTVN - Computer TV Network has left 4,160 V (G9-23).

=== SOUTH AMERICA:  http://www.satcodx.com/chart2.shtml
--- Intelsat 709 at 50W:  http://www.satcodx.com/i709.html
La Senal (Colombia) on 10,967 H, NTSC.

--- Live RealVideo:
Globo News is in LIVE RealVideo at

Echostar 3 was successfully launched with Atlas on 5 October
at 21:01 UTC. It will be located at 61.5 West and carries
32 DBS tps.

New and more detailed footprints have been added for all
PAS satellites.

The SATCO DX Search Engine is today officially launched and
you can find a link on the main page of the SATCO DX site.
The exact URL is http://www.satcodx.com/cgi-bin/search/satcodx/

Best Regards,
Christian Lyngemark                 SATCO DX Satellite Chart
Christian@Lyngemark.com             webmaster@satcodx.com
http://www.lyngemark.com/           http://www.satcodx.com/

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