
Back issue of your magazine

Hi Robert,
Thanks for the missive.You say:

I wanted to find out how and if I can get a hold of one of your back issues
of Tele-Satellit. I believe it was around the November, 1991 issue, which
an article on Echosphere International in Almelo, The Netherlands (Echostar
I was the Sales Manager of that office, but never retained a copy of that
article for my own records.

We say;
Love to help, but since 1991 we have moved office twice, though it feels
like 10 times, and I fear most of our back numbers, like the baby, have
been thrown out with the bath water. However I will pass this message on to
our subscription lady in England, and who knows, she may find a grubby copy
lying around somewhere in the cellar that has avoided being used to wrap
fish and chips, and if so, I am sure she will send you same.

Best regards,
Merve Iles.

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