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Windows Menu (Main Window)

New (alt-W, N) - Create a new Map Window by copying the most recent window. The new window inherits all the settings of the previous window. To change the satellite, choose "Satellite..." in the menu bar of the new window.
Cascade (alt-W, C; or shift-F5) - Resize the Main and Info Windows to fit the screen. Arrange all Map Windows in a "cascade" from upper-left to lower-right.
Tile (alt-W, T; or shift-F4) - Resize the Main and Info Windows to fit the screen. Arrange all Map Windows side-by-side in the remaining space.
Stack (alt-W, k) - Resize the Main and Info Windows to fit the screen. Arrange all Map Windows on top of each other in the remaining space. Use F3 to page through the Map Windows.
Show Info (alt-W, S; or shift-F2) - Toggle display of the Info Window on or off.
Show Report (alt-W, R; or ctrl-F2) - Toggle display of the Report Window on or off.
Tracking window list - A list of all currently-loaded Map Windows appears at the bottom. Selecting a window from the list will bring it to the front of the display.

Display and Window Overview

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