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Data Fields (Satellite Dialog)

Satellite - Select a satellite for inspection of orbital elements or tracking. The list contains three groups: the current settings for the tracking window; the settings for each of the other tracking windows; and the list read from the file. If the desired satellite is not in the list, type the name here.

The following fields are filled in from the data file, but may be edited by the user (for a new satellite, for example):

Beacon Freq, MHz - user entry, used for calculating path loss and doppler shift.
Mode - user entry, to designate the mode or type of signal expected.
Ephemeris - From NASA 2-line data, the type of model used to generate the elements
NORAD ID - The 5-digit object identifier (serial order of launch)
International - The international identifier (year, launch number, object number)
Element Set - 3-digit number identifying the data set. Multiple element sets can be loaded and identified in the selection window by this number.
UTC Epoch - The epoch of the element set.
Description - Allows entry of text to describe the satellite. In the case of NASA 2-line data files, this contains the element set number and the object number, if available. In the case of AMSAT data files, contains any comments found in the element set.

In Edit mode, additional fields appear for Reference and possibly Adjusted Element sets. Any of these fields may be edited.
Adjust to Epoch - Epoch for adjustment of Keplerian Elements (by the Special Menu).
Orbit #, Mean Anomaly, Mean Motion, Derivative of Mean Motion, Inclination, Eccentricity, Argument of Perigee, and Right Ascension of Ascending Node (RAAN). All angles are in degrees. These are the "Reference" Keplerian Elements .

The following fields are calculated and should not be edited:
Semi-Major Axis, Altitude at Perigee, Altitude at Apogee . All distances are in kilometers here. These are relative to spherical earth.
Long of Node. The (earth) longitude of the ascending node. Useful for setting up geosynchronous satellites, for example. Entering a value here will change the Right Ascension of the Node to match.

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