
DirecTV Japan To Announce New Line-Up Next Week

DirecTV Japan To Announce New Line-Up Next Week

Tokyo, Japan, 16 February 1998 (TS-ASIA) -- DirecTV Japan says it will
announce its new programming line-up and packages next week. The company,
which began broadcasting an initial service on December 1, is due to
announce a list of new channels and prices next Monday. The revised service
will begin in April.

The new services will help DirecTV Japan achieve its promised 90 channel

Among services already known to be launching are Momo Channel and Coming
Soon TV, both with movie related programming, music services that include
M-Bros, BET on Jazz and Music Japan Network TV, the Outdoor Channel, JNN
News Bird, WOWOW Movie channels 1 and 2, WOWOW Sports and Music channel and
Music Trip Japan.

While DirecTV has not confirmed additional programmers, the new line-up is
expected to also include BBC World, Sports-I ESPN, Sky-A, The Golf Network,
Space Shower, Japan Leisure Channel, J-Sports and an additional adult channel.

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