If you are looking for Baztab TV on Palapa c2
http://www.satcodx.com/palapac2.html you have to be extra clever as it is
only on for an hour at 17.30 to 18.30 G.M.T. each morning in S.Aust.04.00
to 05.00. Let me know what you see?
3800 V PAL 6.8mhz.It is a weak signal and holds litle interest for most of
us as the language is farzi.I suspect vision of resistance is occupying the
frequency for the second hour the same as they did on Asiasat 2 earlier
this year.
Friday Night.
EMTV has started digital transmissions on Asiasat 2
4006 V PAL sr 5632 and fec 3/4
along with this are
Test tone
Radio 1
Radio 2.
4 channels in all
The changeover times 14-22 UTC TVSN and 22-14 UTC EMTV still apply most
week days altough tonight it was 15.00 UTC when TVSN came on. Picture
quality on digital is improved with less of the muddy low contrast look as
on the analogue service. There is no sound in the remaining three channels
yet altough they all run the same video.
This is in paralell with the analogue service which should cease at the end
of the month.I expect the 2 radio services will appear shortly.
We had a good rainfall in South Australia today and my 2.4 metre hole for
my dish has turned into a 2.4 M well.
Oh well!
See Ya,
Bevin BODEN drbb@gamgee.cc.flinders.edu.au
vk5tv vk5tv@vk5tty.#adl.#sa.aus.oc
Adelaide or vk5tv@N0ARY.#nocal.ca.usa.na
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