Goodness Gracious Me!
The headline says it all.
Have ya seen some of the entertainment they provide on the Baccarat Game
Channel in between card games??
To say the entertainement is mediocre between card games on Pas 2 is
without question, that is unless you wish to decorate radishes and carve
animals out of your vegetables(or is that turn your vegetables into
animals?) and look at what a Las Vegas casino looks like, it is not really
riveting stuff.
This signal is NTSC and you can use the hue or colour control to get the
FLESH tones correct.
PAL signals dont have the option.
On Palapa you have blonde ladies doing a dance to some music and this is
interesting in itself.
By the way! What is a G string?
I think you had better check this out and see if your receiver can handle it.
Where is it? you ask!
Palapa C2: http://www.satcodx.com/palapac2.html
3860 V Baccarrat Game Channel NTSC 6.2 mhz sound.
Thanks to Tony Cooke in the Solomon Islands for ALERTING me to this one.
--- Asiasat 2: http://www.satcodx.com/asia2.html
JSTV (new Chinese channel) has started on 3,827 V,
MPEG-2/clear, SR 4418, FEC 3/4, PIDs 00FF/0100.
This is similar strength to all the other SCPCs
KIBC still has a test card up and Hallmark still eludes the hyundai brigade.
upgrades, bought in March April.)
What do you see when you go to Hallmark and KIBC?
Who designs this software?
Hyundais are not all that bad.(Some readers have asked and got a little
frightened.)It is just the extreme lack of information that is available
that is a problem.
Palapa C2: http://www.satcodx.com/palapac2.html
Gujarat TV (India) has started on 3,800 H, PAL/clear, 6,80 MHz,
02:30-16:30 UTC (08-22 New Delhi time).
This is noisy in South Australia about S2 to S3
Baztab TV is on the same tp 18-19 UTC every day.
I think it takes a rest on Sundays UTC can anyone confirm this?
Thaicom 3: http://www.satcodx.com/thai78.html
Footprint maps for Thaicom 3's C band tps look like there is some hope for
Australia yet!
They have been added to Satco.dx charts and can be accessed by clicking on
beam in the beam column.
Mr.Beam has nothing to do with this. :-)
--- Cakrawarta 1: http://www.satcodx.com/cw1.html
Cakrawarta 1 seems to already be in geostationary orbit at
110 East. Their final location is 107,7 East, so 110 East
will maybe be used for testing...?
Any reception reports are very welcome. Please note that it
only has S band tps (around 2,5 GHz) for TV transmissions.
From: http://www.satcodx.com
Palapa C2: http://www.satcodx.com/palapac2.html
TVRI and TPI are actually time sharing 3,840 H:
07-16 UTC: TVRI Programa National
16-07 UTC: TPI - TV Pendidikan Indonesia
I think this has always been the situation here.
ANTV - Andalas TV is in PAL/clear most of the time and only
encrypted when showing music videos and some movies.
It has taken everyone a long time to report this.
The Bugs Bunny show on TVRI suffers the same problem as do some of the
music shows.
(Videocrypt decoder with a smart card needed for both channels.)
Another one that has not been picked up either.
Pas 2 http://www.satcodx.com/pas2.html
4000 H CNN Newsource NTSC 6.2 mhz sound.
For as long as I remember this frequency has been used as a feed for CNN,
They run carrier sometimes and at other times no signal at all, but there
are daily newsfeeds here.
Satco Dx can be contacted with the address:
http://www.satcodx.com or for region 3 satellites only
http://www.satcodx.com/chart3.html saves you a step in the process.
Well more questions and no answers again.
I am going to NZ on the 6th December and I have only lined up one interview
for the TV and magazine article so far and I would like to have more. I
will be travelling anywhere fron Auckland to Invercargill. East and west
coast of the south island and it would be great to get some interviews.
So far 1 satellite, 1 amateur radio and 1 FM station (Maori)
That NZ magazine should be on my desk in a couple of days
and so should Tele SATELLITE.
Now here is something!!!!
Tele Satellite is produced bi monthly and is bi lingual and you should
bi...buy it, better still subscribe to it.
It saves you looking on the web site for all that extraneous info that you
need to look up all the time.
In the October edition as in every edition there are The SATCO DX charts.
FOOTPRINTS for most of the region 3 satellites and most of the useless ones
we can't see here but the rest of the world can.
Last months edition also had reviews on digital receivers, news of
happenings in Europe, America and even Australia.
It has segments from the various contributors around the world such as
Middle East review British happenings and what goes in the US.
When this months magazine arrives I will tell you what you mised how to
subscribe and find your way around the Tele Satellite web page and then I
must go to New Zealand. There may be a news letter in December from over
there but when I get back on Jan 4th. I hope to have some news for you. I
am a bit worried as I get about 25 emails a day on enquiries and if yours
is not answered please write again. There is the cable and satellite show
in Sydney, (I wonder why when they are all going broke.) to see in February
and unfortunately I will miss the SPARCS 98 show in Auckland again this
Oh well thats all for now from region 3
Catch ya later.
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