Re: "Season" and "Flash" Cards
From: drdish@westend.com (Dr.Dish)
Date: Wed, 15 May 96 20:55 MET DST
From owner-sat-drdish@tags1.dn.net Wed May 15 14: 56:51 1996
>Q: I'm a regular reader of your column in the "Tele-Satellite" magazine,
>whenever I'm able to get the magazine since it can't be purchased here in
>Sarajevo. Still, I'm getting almost every issue from Croatia. I'm also
>watching regularly your excellent broadcasts on "Kopernikus" satellite.
>My "problem" is that I've recently purchased Videocrypt I decoder, made from
>"Grundig" GIRD 2000 integrated satellite receiver decoder (satellite tuner
>has been removed). I would like to mail order some of the PC programmable
>decoder cards. Use of these cards is perfectly legal in my country since
>there is no regular subscription service for any card.
>I've received a leaflet from "StarVision GmbH" company, P.O.Box 40 05 44, D-
>80705 Muenchen. They're selling two types of these cards - "Season Card" for
>149.- and "Flash Card" for 199.- DM. First card needs permanent connection
>with the PC, second doesn't. Decoding software is is available from BBSs and
>FTP sites - utelscin.el.utwente.nl/upload/vcrypt and ftp.informatik.uni-
>My questions are:
>1. Is it known to you if my decoder can be upgraded to VC II in case that it
>is necessary, with kit which is sold by different companies?
>2. Could you recommend me which card to use - one of these which I mentioned
>earlier or some other? I've heard that some company from Ireland is selling
>similar cards - are these better? Do you have e-mail or mail address of this
>3. MOST IMPORTANT - do the FTP sites contain software which works with new
>"SKY" package codes? I've heard that most of pirate cards are useless for
>this package.
>4. Is there something which could be called "ultimate" card and decoding
>software - which would automatically break the code so that updating the card
>is no necessary?
>I must point out that for me it is very important that the software can be
>obtained from FTP sites - here we still don't have Internet provider (only e-
>mail) and it is not possible to make direct international phone calls.
>Tarik Djonlagic
>Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina
Sorry, but I canīt give give you any advice which card to buy for VC, since
the situation is so confusing. It would be an advice "How to loose my money".
Yu can upgrade you VC-I decoder to a VC-II version. The german company
DIGITRONA (the adress you find in TELE-satellit magazine) offers a set for
modification and I did the job a year ago. It worked just fine. For the card
problem, have a look into the news-groups. There is one group like sat-tv
crypt I believe.
Dr.Dish (Christian Mass)
drdish@tv - the first european satellite info channel
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