
US-channels in AUSTRALIA

Q: Moving shortly to Newcastle (Australia) I would like to watch some 
US-channels via satellite. Which size of dish I need to receive ESPN, CNN 
and movie channels?
J.J.Finnigham, Kuwait

You have to invest in a quite large dish, but donīt need any positioner or 
actuator. With a 7m dish (mesh) you can receive via the PALAPA C1 at 113° E 
the following free channels:
STAR TV, SITV-Brunei,TV-Indosair,AN-TEVE, CNN, TV3 Mal.,RTM Mal.,CFI France, 
MTV Asia, TPI Indonesia, GMA Philipine, SCTC Indon., ABN Singap., ATVI 
Australia, RCTI Indon., CNBC.
Pay-channels: ESPN, HBO, TNT/CARTOON.
This channels are only availbale to Indonesians. The yearly charge is US$ 
480,- and the B-MAC dekoder is sold for around US§ 500,-.(CDE-2000 from 
Atlanta-Scientific). You could solve the problem with a adress in Indonesia. 
The channels are offered by INDOVISION, Jakarta (Fax.:+62-21 850 8243) ask 
for Mr. Pati Loevis. Maybe he finds a solution.
Dr.Dish (Christian Mass)
drdish@tv - the first european satellite info channel

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