Re: Linear actuator versus H-H mount and magnetic versus mech. polarisers
From: drdish@westend.com (Dr.Dish)
Date: Mon, 20 May 96 00:47 MET DST
From owner-sat-drdish@tags1.dn.net Sun May 19 18: 48:30 1996
>Hi, DrDish, my name's Alessandro Serrao and I write you from Rome. In this
short letter I'd ask you what is the best solution between:
>1) Linear actuator vs. H-H mount and
>2) Magnetic vs. Mechanical polarisers.
>If possible could you include a *very* short description motivating your
answers. Thanks in advance. Regards, Alessandro Serrao.
H to H is fine, if the dish is not too large, because all the power of wight
and wind is concentrated on one point. Therte is large H to H mount from
Jager. A friend is using this mount for a year or so on a 180cm dish without
any problems.
Magnetic polarusers could live a little bit longer because no mechanical
parts are involved. A servo is better in attent. of the opposite
polarisation. If you will use c- and kuband, you should use the
servo-version. Beware of no name products or cheap copies
Dr.Dish (Christian Mass)
drdish@tv - the first european satellite info channel
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