Re: multichannel reception
From: drdish@cuci.nl (Dr.Dish)
Date: Wed, 29 May 1996 15:44:24 +0200
From owner-sat-drdish@tags1.dn.net Wed May 29 09: 42:54 1996
>Hi Dr Dish,
>I am considering acquring a satellite dish and one of those dual tuner
>television. My question is, is there an affordable way to get mutliple channel
>reception such that I can use my television receiver to tune to alternate
>channels. I assume getting the channels from the same satellite.
>Best Regards
>Peter Walker
If this receiver has to independent tuners with A/V-out for each one, there
will be no problem to let them to AV-1 and Av-2 of your television set.The
reception of channels of the same satellite and the same polarization is
given. In order to get different polarizations on the same satellite at the
same time you will need a dual-lnc with two IF-out connectors. Each of them
are able to deliver a horizontal or vertical (or rhc/lhc) signal.
Dr.Dish (Christian Mass)
drdish@tv - the first european satellite info channel
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